ok well with the qmail-smtp problems outta the way....

i am confused about relaying rules....

this is my /etc/tcp.smtp file,RELAYCLIENT=""

however this does not work...when i send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] i get 
this message
Can't send to ". The server gives this reason: '553 sorry, that domain 
isn't in my list of allowed rcpthosts(#5.7.1)'.

as i understand it rcpthosts is the file that holds all the domains that 
you have on your machine.

can somebody point me in the right direction?

Kurth Bemis - Network/Systems Administrator, USAExpress.net/Ozone Computer

People disagree with me.  I just ignore them.
         -- Linus Torvalds, regarding the use of C++ for the Linux kernel

[EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.usaexpress.net/kurth
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