On Fri, 22 Dec 2000, Daniel Conlon wrote:

> > > I have had qmail installed on a machine with < 100 users for 6 
> > months and all aspects of the installation are working correctly. 
> > However, it has recently been brought to my attention that the 
> > hard disk activity on the machine is excessive/abnormal - the 
> > disk is flat out.
> > > 
> > > By systematically stopping processes I have established that it 
> > is qmail which is causing this. qmail is not under any load to speak of. 
> > > 
> > > Is this normal for qmail? If not, what could be causing this?
> > 
> > Is it qmail-send or qmail-smtpd that is causing it?

Please reply to the list too. That way you'll get more eyes looking at
your problem.

Also please wrap your lines to < 80 characters. It makes it easier to

> I think it is qmail-smtpd. I say this only because 'supervise qmail-smtpd' is being 
>quite heavy on CPU usage (18%). How would I find out for sure?

Looks like supervise is failing to start tcpserver correctly and
looping. What does /service/qmail-smtpd/run (or wherever you put it)
look like? Are you logging with multilog? If so what's the output of
the current file in the directory as specified by

You aren't trying to suerpvise qmail-smtpd directly are you? If so
then that will fail. You need some process in front of qmail-smtpd to
handle the network connections - such as tcpserver.

> > What do the logs say? (tm)
> Which logs? and where would I find them?
> > What's the output of /var/qmail/bin/qmail-qstat run several times to
> > see if the queue is growing rapidly?
> I ran this ten times in succession and got the same output each time as follows:
> messages in queue: 9
> messages in queue but not yet preprocessed: 0

Nothing new is being added to the queue - or qmail-send is processing
messages EXACTLY as fast as qmail-queue is putting them in the queue

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