qmail Digest 27 Dec 2000 11:00:00 -0000 Issue 1226

Topics (messages 54403 through 54419):

Re: message queueing
        54403 by: Jenny Holmberg

Re: how to control smtp through mail address
        54404 by: Alexander Jernejcic
        54407 by: Chris Johnson

Re: how to control smtp through mail address (addendum)
        54405 by: Alexander Jernejcic

about smtp.rules
        54406 by: jackshaw.263.net.cn
        54419 by: Michael Maier

qmail-pop3d and users groups
        54408 by: Roberto Samarone Araujo \(RSA\)

authenticate via nt domain ?
        54409 by: Dennis

Xinetd & Qmail
        54410 by: Jeff Lacy
        54417 by: Paco Gracia

checkpassword question
        54411 by: Rick Lu

Limited SMTP Relay
        54412 by: Aaron Carr
        54414 by: asantos

about quota
        54413 by: carl

Other Outlook features and qmail
        54415 by: Dennis
        54416 by: Dennis

What does "return address is refused" mean?
        54418 by: Dai Yuwen


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kat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello,
> I am a total newbie to mail servers and don't know much about them. I
> have installed qmail on my home machine. My problem is that if I try
> to deliver a message to another user and it fails on any account the
> next time i start qmail with ./rc & it tries to deliver the messages
> even when i have precedded it with '&'. i use Red Hat Linux 6.2
> why does it happen? 

When you start qmail, it will try to deliver the mails in the mail
queue. That's just how it works. You can manually delete the mails
from the queue if you like - check for qmHandle at www.qmail.org.

> Also, for a particular user it says that the message is
> undeliverable since the mail directory of the user is writable.

This is a security feature. If the users mail (or home) directory is
writable for anyone other than the user, it is trivially easy for
anyone to intercept, rewrite and reroute the users' mail. Thus, qmail
will not deliver the mail. 

> Also, can u tell me which email clients can I use under shell mode
> only. [I heard Pine cannot be used].

Do you mean mail clients which will read directly from the maildir
instead of using IMAP? If so, mutt has native maildir support and
there are patches for pine on www.qmail.org as well. 

> Can anyone give me any comments on this.
> Thanks and I hope it is OK for a newbie question.

Hope this helps.

"I live in the heart of the machine. We are one." 

-----Original Message-----
sina wrote: 
> I install a patch named " relaymailfrom.patch".
> and delete rcpthosts 
>...but it seems no use,any mail can be relayed now

afaik you need rcpthosts, the relaymailfrom.patch is additional.
maybe i am wrong, but put your local domain into rcpthosts 
and give it a try.


> I installed qmail server and want to relay mail by mail
> address. I know that it is not securt method ,but I have
> to. I install a patch named " relaymailfrom.patch". and
> delete rcpthosts and touch the file 'relaymailfrom',add
> a record '@****.com' but it seems no use,any mail can be
> relayed now.

*Don't* delete rcpthosts. Read the documentation that comes with the patch
more carefully. The patch doesn't change anything about the way rcpthosts or
RELAYCLIENT works; it simply adds the ability for you to relay by MAIL FROM


what i forgot:
sina wrote:
> add a record '@****.com'
i assume you blanked out your domain-name and are not using this sort of

;) alexander

what's smtp.rules.
which package produce this file?
from relay-ctrl-age.c
const char* smtprules = "smtp.rules";


> what's smtp.rules.
> which package produce this file?
> =======================
> from relay-ctrl-age.c
> const char* smtprules = "smtp.rules";

Checkout the tcprules Program!
It's Component of tcpserver...

  michael maier  -  system & development administrator
  flatfox ag, hanauer landstrasse 196a
  d-60314 frankfurt am main
  fon    +49.(0)69.50 95 98-308
  fax    +49.(0)69.50 95 98-101
  url    http://www.flatfox.com -  m a k e  m y  d a y


            I have a qmail server running in a FreeBSD 4.2 and using
qmail-pop3d. I would like to know if I could set up qmail-pop3d to work only
for users in some groups in /etc/group file. Is it possible to do this? How


                        Roberto Samarone Araujo

HI all...

If this question has been asked before, please accept my apologies.

I am wondering if it is at all possible to authenticate qmail users via a
similar method as per qmail-ldap but from NT domains ?

Any help would be appreciated.


Hello Everyone,

    I'm new to this list, so please forgive me if this has been asked before
or is really dumb.

    I'm running RH7.0 and I would like to run qmail.  I thought I had it
working once, but I was just calling tcpd from xinetd and that seemed a
little foolish.  I have been messing around with xinetd all day and my
progress has been -42.  Qmail accepts messages, but then they just sort of
disappear.  I think it all stems from a problem with my xinetd
configuration.  I have searched the internet and everything I find is
different from everything else.  I am looking for the 'definitive' thing to
use with xinetd.  Hopefully, it should have logging and not use anything
toooo complex (and allow relaying from my lan).

    I would also really appreciate it if someone would tell me why so many
people use tcpserver instead of xinetd.  I understand that tcpserver can be
run continually, but xinetd only starts smtpd (or whatever) when someone
connects to port 25.  I am going to be running a very very (did I mention
very) low-volume mail server.

    PLEASE someone, just tell me what to do.  Thanks very much in advance.
Maybe now I can put down my virtual water gun.  Thanks.

Despairing Jeff


    This set up used to work with qmail and RH7.0. It uses vpopmail so if
you have a standard qmail instalation you'll have to change vchkpw to use

    Each service is in one file inside /etc/xinet.d. Read xinet man pages to
allow and deny connections, set a maximun number of concurrent connections,
bind and external ip to an internal ip, configure your logs, etc...

    tcpserver was the only solution before xinet and it is still the best
solution for advanced qmail instalations. For nothing too complicated xinet
can do the job perfectly... and it is most straightforward than tcpserver.
So the choice depends on your needs.



# default: on
service smtp
        disable = no
        socket_type             = stream
        protocol                = tcp
        wait                    = no
        user                    = qmaild
        server                  = /var/qmail/bin/tcp-env
        server_args             = /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd
        log_on_success          += USERID
        log_on_failure          += USERID


# default: on
service pop3
        disable = no
        socket_type             = stream
        wait                    = no
        user                    = root
        server                  = /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup
        server_args             = your.mail.server /home/vpopmail/bin/vchkpw
/var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir
        log_on_success          += USERID
        log_on_failure          += USERID

----- Original Message -----
From: Jeff Lacy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, December 27, 2000 2:56 AM
Subject: Xinetd & Qmail

> Hello Everyone,
>     I'm new to this list, so please forgive me if this has been asked
> or is really dumb.
>     I'm running RH7.0 and I would like to run qmail.  I thought I had it
> working once, but I was just calling tcpd from xinetd and that seemed a
> little foolish.  I have been messing around with xinetd all day and my
> progress has been -42.  Qmail accepts messages, but then they just sort of
> disappear.  I think it all stems from a problem with my xinetd
> configuration.  I have searched the internet and everything I find is
> different from everything else.  I am looking for the 'definitive' thing
> use with xinetd.  Hopefully, it should have logging and not use anything
> toooo complex (and allow relaying from my lan).
>     I would also really appreciate it if someone would tell me why so many
> people use tcpserver instead of xinetd.  I understand that tcpserver can
> run continually, but xinetd only starts smtpd (or whatever) when someone
> connects to port 25.  I am going to be running a very very (did I mention
> very) low-volume mail server.
>     PLEASE someone, just tell me what to do.  Thanks very much in advance.
> Maybe now I can put down my virtual water gun.  Thanks.
> Despairing Jeff

Hello all,
I am a newbie to this list. Now, I want to authenticate SMTP and POP3
and SMTPD and POP3D do well in the "qmaild" user which I set its uid to root id (0).
But do I have to let "qmaild" become super-user? Have any other way to do this , because
"qmaild" super-user is not good enough to me.
Any help would be appreciated.
Best Regard
     Rick Lu

I am a newbie to both QMail, and this list, but before anyone flames me
about RTFM, I have.  I bought the Running QMail book, and have been sifting
through that trying to find answers, I've read the QMail FAQ, I've looked at
several of the informational web pages that individuals have listed at
qmail.org.  Described below is my environment, and the steps I've taken to
try to make this work.

I've installed QMail 1.03 on a Redhat 7 box. In addition to manual editing
of configuration files, I'm using Vyacheslav Ignatyuk's Webmin module to
manage QMail.  So far, if I add a domain name to RCPTHOSTS, QMail will send
a message to that domain.  If I delete RCPTHOSTS all together, QMail will
send a test message to any domain.

What I'm trying to accomplish is that QMail relay messages based on the
client's IP address.  Currently I'm trying to get it to work with my
internal network.  Once I have that functioning, I'll know how to allow
trusted others.

I've created a source rule file /etc/tcprules.d/qmail-smtpd

This file contains,RELAYCLIENT=" "

I used this file to build my qmail-smtpd.cdb file.

I start tcpserver with an init script

tcpserver -v -p -c 100 -x /etc/tcprules.d/qmail-smtpd.cdb 0 smtp

Still, after starting tcpserver with this method, any message I attempt to
send to a domain not listed in RCPTHOSTS gets rejected with an error stating
that the domain isn't listed in RCPTHOSTS.

Does anyone have any ideas as to what I may be doing wrong? What might not
be configured correctly?  or What might be broken?  Or maybe an entirely
different method of allowing smtp relay? (Keep in mind that I'll be using
Couier-IMAP)  I would really like to get this functioning soon.

Feel free to reply to me off of the list if you need to.  If there is any
information that I have left out that would be helpful to you, let me know
and I will provide it.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Aaron Carr

From: Aaron Carr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>This file contains,RELAYCLIENT=" "

The IP part isn't a netmask, it's a pattern. Try replacing the line above



how to implement quota with qmail+vpopmail+sqwebmail?

Hi all...

I'm looking to implement the calendar, tasks, notes etc features available
in Outlook with qmail and courier-imap

Does anyone know of any product that allows for the complete integration of
Outlook and qmail/courier-imap without having to use MS Exchange


Have you seen http://www.eridu.org/
Wondering how hard it would be to intergrate the sqwebmail project and the
eridu project.
It would be a great idea


> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Wednesday, 27 December 2000 3:37 PM
> Subject: RE: Other Outlook features and qmail
> The only product that comes close and is UNIX based is Openmail from
> HP.
> Check out http://www.openmail.com
> There is a free 50 user trial on linux.
> Simon.
> > -----Original Message-----
> > Sent: Wednesday, 27 December 2000 3:20
> > Subject: Other Outlook features and qmail
> >
> >
> > Hi all...
> >
> > I'm looking to implement the calendar, tasks, notes etc
> > features available
> > in Outlook with qmail and courier-imap
> >
> > Does anyone know of any product that allows for the complete
> > integration of
> > Outlook and qmail/courier-imap without having to use MS Exchange
> > *shudder*...
> >
> > Cheers
> > Dennis
> >
> >

Hi, all

Sometimes my mail will be bounced with the subject "return address is
refused".  What does that mean?  I'm using qmail-1.03.

Thank you in advance.

Dai Yuwen

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