On Sat, Dec 23, 2000 at 08:13:55PM +0100, Clemens Hermann wrote:
>not (!) transferred to the office again. The same vice versa.
>The problem is: How does the synchronization program know if a missing
>mail on one side was deleted there or not yet transferred.
>Has anyone solved a similar problem?

The problem is that it's a two-way synchronization.  I was, at one point,
working on a program that would do such a synchronization.  Basicly, you
have to track the disposition of each local Maildir and propogate changes
to the other side.  I had a bunch of code that should have done just this,
but there was a bug in it.  I eventually abandoned this because right
around this time we no longer had a need for dealing with e-mail on
two machines.

I have some other ideas for a system that would effectively allow for
distributed, peer-relationship clustering of mail servers where mail
could be sent, received, and read on any of the systems in the cluster,
but that will probably be something we do as a commercial project.

 Bush says the election should be finished soon for the good of the people.
 He's 350,000 popular votes behind, why doesn't he concede?
Sean Reifschneider, Inimitably Superfluous <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
tummy.com - Linux Consulting since 1995. Qmail, KRUD, Firewalls, Python

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