Hello everyone,
Sorry for putting this on the list if it has already been answered however
I checked the archives and failed to get an answer to it and although I
have read 5.4 in the FAQ it does not help me much.
        I am using tcpserver and I have set up qmail and done relaying as
instructed in the FAQ however the /etc/tcp.smtp file only accepts realying
by ip address yet I would like to do it by domain name i.e
I have say domain.org hosted by my server and I want the users for this
domain to use my server as their smtp server however their ips keep
changing and they wander a lot thus I would like to relay by domain kind
of the equivalent of relay-domains in sendmail. i.e as long as the from
line is [EMAIL PROTECTED] then my server should allow relaying for that
domain. I know the dangers but I really have no choice in this
matter. Please help. I have tried putting domain names in the place of
ips in /etc/tcp.smtp but it has not worked.
Sematmba Noah

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