> I have a lot of TIME_WAIT (TCP/IP) on my mail server. And
> this grow with time, I think that it well crash my server.
> I'm asking if this has no relation with qmail?

TIME_WAIT means that a connection has been closed but the server is hanging
around for a little bit to clear up any packets that belong to that

Look at the TIME_WAIT lines:

Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address     Foreign Address  State
tcp        0      0   TIME_WAIT

        If 'Local Address' has :25 after it, then yes, it was a mail
connection that is waiting to be cleaned up.  If it has a different port,
then it is a different type of connection.

        Seeing some of these is not necessarily an indication of a problem.
Seeing a large number of these may indicate a problem. 

        gowen -- Greg Owen -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
              SoftLock.com is now DigitalGoods!

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