Attached is the qmail script I use for qmail on my rh system.  You'll have
to edit the line in the pop3 startup for your server.  This one runs qmail's
maildir format, uses accustamp and cyclog for its logging, and smtp has
included the things for smtp-after-pop relaying.  So depending on your
setup, you'll have to modify it some.. but this rc script is based on things
from HOWTOs, submissions from the list, etc.. and is pretty complete for a
standard smtp+pop3 setup without all the crazy virtual user add-ons, etc.


-----Original Message-----
From: Aaron Carr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, January 08, 2001 10:38 PM
Subject: Startup Script Advise

I've set up a qmail server on an RH 6.2 box.  I have a startup script for
qmail, what I'm looking for now is the most effective manner for starting up
qmail-pop3d and qmail-smtpd using tcpserver.

I've gone through tons and tons of docs, but what I'm curious about is-

Is it most effective to have one script that starts both qmail-pop3d and
qmail-smtpd, and how would that need to be written?  Which one should be
called first?  Does that matter? Etc....

Or, should I have a separate startup script for each?

I'm checking because lasts time I set this up, I believe I tried to have a
script for each, but they didn't work together.  Once qmail-pop3d started,
qmail-smtpd didn't want to start up.  It appeared to start fine, but when
attempting to send mail, the session would time out as though there was no
smtp daemon listening.

Anyone seen this type of thing?

In the near future, I'm going to enable webmail, but I want everything
functioning at a basic level before I move on that direction.

Any help anyone has would be super.

Thank much.



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