Hello all,
Per Mark's suggestion I have put my maillogs up for perusal at this URL:

I am using Qmail 1.03 on RedHat Linux 6.2. I have applied big-concurrency,
big-todo, fastforward and dotforward.
I also am use the tcpserver from uscpi tools. I have soft linked my rc file
and controls directory as well. 
My kernel FD_DESCRIPTORs are set at 4096 and I used systctl.conf to change
my fs.inode-max to 65536 and
my fs.file-max to 16384. The symptoms so far have been an increase in
delivery times unless I restart qmail every day or so. 
I also have noticed my queue stays around 300 or so permanently and
unprocessed mailings are around 10 during high load, 2 during normal
operation. If there is any other relevant information that you can think of
let me know. Thanks, I'd really appreciate any input you can give.

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