Yusuf Goolamabbas writes:
> So, does the installation of mini-qmail require creating of user-ids for
> installation and then one can delete them subsequently

Before running make setup check, you could edit conf-users 
and conf-groups so that all the first eight lines of 
conf-users have ``root'' and all the first two lines of 
conf-groups have ``wheel'' (or ``root'' on some systems). 
Then you don't have to create new users and groups.

I think replacing qmail users with root in conf-* is safe as 
long as one is doing a mini-qmail installation: there 
is no queue; there is no setuid program; and there is no 
long-running daemons.

Along this line, I happened to make a ``mini-qmail kit'' 
some time ago. If you are interested, see:


Tetsu Ushijima

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