
lately, outside (non-local) SMTP servers have begun to go crazy. For
example, I have a standard entry in my qmail virtualdomains file for all
mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] - it goes to the user scode.

But if I attempt to send an E-Mail from an outside source (a few have been
tried) to, say, [EMAIL PROTECTED], the SMTP server making the final
delivery suddently goes mad and does an RCTP [EMAIL PROTECTED]!

What might cause this? I even changed "scode" back from being a CNAME to
being an A record in the DNS configuration, in case that was the cause.

Note, my main address "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" works fine.
mail.infidyne.com is the MX for the domain.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. The strange part is that we didn't have
this problem earlier.

Thank you,

/ Peter Schuller, InfiDyne Technologies HB

PGP userID: 0x5584BD98 or 'Peter Schuller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>'
Key retrival: Send an E-Mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Web: http://scode.infidyne.com

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