On Thu, Jan 18, 2001 at 12:15:33AM -0500, Peter Drahos wrote:
> At 12:02 AM 1/18/01 -0500, Alex Pennace wrote:
> >On Wed, Jan 17, 2001 at 11:02:21PM -0500, Peter Drahos wrote:
> > > Jan 17 04:45:14 ebox : Security Warning : Group Unowned files found :
> > > Jan 17 04:45:15 ebox : ( theses files now have group "nogroup" as their
> > > group owner. )
> >
> >Those aren't messages generated by qmail.
> So I guess the question is  why is qmail depositing e-mails without the 
> groupid???

The logs indicate no such thing is occuring. Find out which program is
generating those entries and work from there.

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