Alex Le Fevre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> since I don't even know what an MUA is, I can't tell
> if my OS supports it.

"Mail user agent".  I.e., the program you use to read your mail.  It's
not especially closely related to your OS.  Two MUAs I know of that
support maildirs are Mutt and Gnus.

> Jan 18 12:21:49 www qmail: 979838509.343842 delivery 1: deferral: 
> /home/alex/.qmail and /home/alex/.qmail-alex both
> exist, containing simply ./Maildir/.
> /home/alex/Maildir also exists.

Did you create your Maildir with maildirmake?  Is it owned by the same
UID that appears in /var/qmail/users/assign or /etc/passwd for "alex"?
What are the permissions?


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