on 19/1/01 11:16 AM, Thorkild Stray wrote:

> On Fri, 19 Jan 2001, Bjorn Nilsen wrote:
>> What I want to do is kind of a weird set up but I think it should work. I've
>> got a customer that wants virus scanning on there mail at the server. I have
>> a really nice qmail+vpopmail+qmailadmin set up that hosts mail for about 30
>> domains I don't want to (the hardware won't permit it either) enable virus
>> scanning for all that mail. So the plan I have come up with is using an old
>> pentium box set up qmail on that and make it the MX for the domain then get
>> it to virus scan all mail through it. So if it takes a while it won't effect
>> my other customers mail. What I want to know is how do I tell qmail to just
>> forward every bit of mail it gets to another mail server, but it needs to be
>> virus scanned first.
> A suitable .qmail-default in the ~alias directory would fix that (it
> catches everything that hasn't allready been matched). The file
> could contain code for pushing the mails through the anti-virus software.
> To redirect the mail afterwards, you could make it forward it to a domain
> that has spesific routing (in smtproutes).

I'm going to use qmail-scanner and mcafee virusscan for virus scanning. So
how I think it will work is something like this:
qmail-smtpd ->
qmail-scanner ->
qmail-queue ->
qmail-send ->
qmail-rspawn ->

Does qmail-scanner come in before or after qmail-queue?

So to make this work all I would need to do is put the domain in rcpthosts
and a line in smtproutes ":my.normal.mail.server"?
So that every domain I put in rcpthosts and change the MX record for will go
to this server be virus scanned then pushed on to my normal mail server.



Bjorn Nilsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Manux Solutions Ltd
Ph +64 3 343 2031   Fax +64 3 343 3064
Level 1, 39 Leslie Hills Drive, Riccarton
PO Box 3074 Christchurch

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