Gavin McCord <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I've created the /service directory with the necessary permissions
> and added on one line
> SV:123456:respawn:env - PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin
>  svscan /service </dev/null >/dev/console 2>/dev/console

This should all be on one line.  Maybe it was your mailer that wrapped
it, but if not, fix it.

> However, having HUPped init, there's no new svscan running. I say new
> because there is an svscan running the qmail programs.

How was your old svscan invoked?  If it was done by an inittab line
that started with SV:, then init thinks this new configuration is
supposed to be the same instance.

> Can I run two svscans, or is there a conflict there? If so, what's
> the best way to reconcile the /var/qmail/supervise and /service
> directories.

You can run two svscans in different directories, but it'd be better
to have just one running in /service.  Make symlinks in /service to
your qmail service directories, start svscan there, and then (if you
want to stop the harmless warnings) svc -dx each of the qmail service
directories (including their log directories).


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