Chris Garrigues wrote:

> > "Upgrade" suggests adding features, rather more than "patch" does;
> > patches are often released to fix bugs.
> How about "addition" or "extension"?

we need something that vaguely impugns the patch, without implying
that the patch is required, and we wish to keep current meaning of
"patch" and be consistent with all current habits.

My nomination is, drumroll please

"non-standard option"

or , even more impugnly,

"unsupported option"

These could even be ranked in order of sanity, from the ones
that get mentioned all the time on the list, to the ones that
are heretical to "official" reccommendations.

                      David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
               "Live fast, die young, and leave a beautiful corpse"

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