qmail Digest 20 Jan 2001 11:00:01 -0000 Issue 1250

Topics (messages 55586 through 55653):

Re: mutt configuration
        55586 by: Jorge Bras
        55588 by: James Raftery

Re: tcpserver question (OT)
        55587 by: Alex Pennace
        55597 by: Paul Jarc
        55628 by: Mario Thaten

Re: Multiple instances of qmail...
        55589 by: James R Grinter
        55590 by: Henning Brauer
        55598 by: Dave Sill
        55601 by: Bill Carlson
        55604 by: Paul Jarc
        55605 by: Henning Brauer
        55606 by: James Stevens
        55638 by: Scott Gifford

Re: Virtual domains and forwarding.
        55591 by: James R Grinter

how manipulate header
        55592 by: gmo.gmx.de
        55603 by: Dave Sill

Good MUAs
        55593 by: Alex Le Fevre
        55594 by: Henning Brauer
        55596 by: Paul Jarc
        55615 by: Charles Cazabon

Re: Svscan
        55595 by: Paul Jarc
        55617 by: Gavin McCord
        55621 by: Henning Brauer
        55622 by: tc lewis

        55599 by: NDSoftware

Re: Mailer error
        55600 by: Dave Sill

Re: why so few qmail-remote processes ...
        55602 by: Dave Sill
        55611 by: Jacques <Frip'> WERNERT
        55613 by: Paul Jarc

tcpserver too slow
        55607 by: Isaac Jaramillo
        55609 by: Alex Pennace

IMAP question
        55608 by: Durham David R CNTR AMC CSS/SAS

unable to read  tcp.smtp.cdb: protocol error
        55610 by: Martin Randall
        55612 by: Dave Sill
        55614 by: Martin Randall
        55624 by: Dave Sill
        55632 by: Martin Randall

        55616 by: NDSoftware
        55618 by: NDSoftware

bandwidth monitoring/analysis
        55619 by: Barry Smoke
        55620 by: NDSoftware

LWQ - Which log contains what?
        55623 by: Clemens Hermann
        55626 by: Paul Jarc
        55627 by: Dave Sill

QMail Queue
        55625 by: NDSoftware
        55629 by: Dave Sill

Re: Exclamation marks.
        55630 by: Steve Fulton
        55647 by: Robin S. Socha

Re: A firestorm of protest?
        55631 by: David L. Nicol

RAID & Qmail.
        55633 by: Steve Fulton
        55635 by: Hubbard, David
        55639 by: Matthew Patterson
        55640 by: David Dyer-Bennet
        55641 by: paul.anastrophe.com
        55646 by: Greg White
        55653 by: Adrian Turcu

qmail-mrtg 2.3 : will it work with cyclog ?
        55634 by: Olivier M.
        55636 by: Sean C Truman
        55642 by: Olivier M.
        55644 by: Peter Green

Re: virus scanning
        55637 by: Rainer Link
        55651 by: Adrian Turcu

        55643 by: NDSoftware

qmail-mrtg concurrency
        55645 by: Jon Rust

Re: Qmail and Syslogd?
        55648 by: Stefan Laudat

qmail logs - again
        55649 by: Clemens Hermann

qlogtools compile - error
        55650 by: Clemens Hermann
        55652 by: Clemens Hermann


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On Fri, Jan 19, 2001 at 09:27:44AM +0100, Redak, Dorian wrote:
> Dear All!
> I'm trying to use mutt as MUA and get an error msg when trying to send mail:
> Error sending message, child exited 127 (Exec error.)
> The original sendmail binaries have been replaced by the qmail wrapper.

I don't know what that error mean, but i can send you a muttrc example,
similiar to the one i use.

best regards,

Support Engineer
kpnQwest Portugal
source ~/.mutt/gpg.rc

set alias_file=~/.mutt/aliases
source ~/.mutt/aliases
set reverse_alias
set reverse_name

set folder=~/Maildir
set spoolfile=+Mailbox/
set mbox=+Mailbox

set copy=yes record=+sent save_name
set delete=yes

set mail_check=5
set indent_string="> "

set check_new
set beep_new 
set fast_reply 
set allow_8bit 
set resolve 
set suspend 
#set pgp_autosign 
set pgp_timeout=3600 
unset confirmappend  
unset mark_old  
unset sig_dashes 
set editor='vim -c "set tw=72" +2' 
set edit_hdrs=yes 
#set edit_hdrs editor="/bin/vi +/^\$" 
set print=ask-no 
set print_command="mpage -2Hf -bA4 -Phptec" 
set hidden_host=yes 
set sort=threads 
set sort_alias=alias 
set sort_aux=date-sent 
set sort_browser=alpha 
set pager_format="[%Z] %A-%C/%m %.34f%>%[%d.%b %y, %H:%M]" 
set status_format="%r %v [%?M?%M/?%m] %?n?%n new, ?%?p?%p postponed, ?%?t?%t tagged, 
?%?d?%d deleted, ?(%h:%f) %?b?%b more to go.?%> %r" 
hdr_order From: Subject: To: CC: BCC: Date: Organization: X-Mailer: 
ignore * 
unignore from: date: subject: to: cc: reply-to: 
unignore organization: organisation: 
unignore X-Mailer: 
unignore X-Junked-Because 
lists bugtraq  
mailboxes ! +bugtraq 
send-hook . "unset pgp_autosign" 
# template folder 
#folder-hook default 'set move=yes' 
#folder-hook default 'set mbox=+default.net/' 
#folder-hook default 'set tmpdir=+default/tmp' 
#folder-hook default 'set postponed=+default/postponed' 
#folder-hook default 'set record=+saved/sent.default 
#folder-hook default 'set sort=date-received' 
#folder-hook default 'my_hdr From: Jorge Bras <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>' 
#folder-hook default 'my_hdr Return-Receipt-To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>' 
#folder-hook default 'my_hdr Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>' 
#folder-hook default 'set signature=~/.signature' 
#mbox-hook +default +/saved/in.default 
# Set defaults for folder-hook 
folder-hook Mailbox 'set move=yes' 
folder-hook Mailbox 'set mbox=+Mailbox/' 
folder-hook Mailbox 'set tmpdir=+Mailbox/tmp' 
folder-hook Mailbox 'set postponed=+Mailbox/postponed' 
folder-hook Mailbox 'set record=+saved/sent.mailbox' 
folder-hook Mailbox 'set sort=date-received' 
folder-hook Mailbox 'my_hdr From: Moo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>' 
folder-hook Mailbox 'my_hdr Return-Receipt-To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>' 
folder-hook Mailbox 'my_hdr Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>' 
folder-hook Mailbox 'set signature=~/.signature' 
mbox-hook +Mailbox +/saved/in.mailbox 
# bugtraq folder 
folder-hook bugtraq 'set move=yes' 
folder-hook bugtraq 'set mbox=+bugtraq.net/' 
folder-hook bugtraq 'set tmpdir=+bugtraq/tmp' 
folder-hook bugtraq 'set postponed=+bugtraq/postponed' 
folder-hook bugtraq 'set record=+saved/sent.bugtraq 
folder-hook bugtraq 'set sort=date-received' 
folder-hook bugtraq 'my_hdr From: Me <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>' 
folder-hook bugtraq 'my_hdr Return-Receipt-To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>' 
folder-hook bugtraq 'my_hdr Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>' 
folder-hook bugtraq 'set signature=~/.signature' 
mbox-hook +bugtraq +/saved/in.bugtraq 
auto_view application/zip 
auto_view application/x-gzip 
auto_view application/x-gunzip  
auto_view application/pgp-signature 
auto_view application/pgp 
auto_view application/octet-stream  
auto_view application/x-zip-compressed 
auto_view application/x-arj-compressed 
auto_view application/x-tar-gz 
auto_view application/ms-tnef 
auto_view application/msword 
auto_view application/x-perl 
auto_view application/x-sh 
auto_view application/x-tcl 
auto_view application/x-delphi-source 
auto_view text/html 
auto_view text/x-vcard 
auto_view image/tiff 
alternative_order text/enriched text/plain text/html 
color hdrdefault red default 
color quoted brightblue default 
color signature red default 
color indicator brightyellow red 
color error brightred default 
color status yellow blue 
color tree magenta default 
color tilde magenta default 
color message brightcyan default 
color markers brightcyan default 
color attachment brightmagenta default 
color search default green 
color header brightred default ^(From|Subject): 
color body magenta default "(ftp|http)://[^ ]+" 
color body magenta default [-a-z_0-9.]+@[-a-z_0-9.]+ 
color underline brightgreen default 
color body brightblue  white "(http|ftp|news|telnet|finger)://[^ \">\t\r\n]*" 
color body brightblue  white "mailto:[-a-z_0-9.]+@[-a-z_0-9.]+" 
mono  body bold              "(http|ftp|news|telnet|finger)://[^ \">\t\r\n]*" 
mono  body bold              "mailto:[-a-z_0-9.]+@[-a-z_0-9.]+" 
# email addresses 
color body brightblue  white "[-a-z_0-9.%$]+@[-a-z_0-9.]+\\.[-a-z][-a-z]+" 
mono  body bold              "[-a-z_0-9.%$]+@[-a-z_0-9.]+\\.[-a-z][-a-z]+" 
# Various smilies and the like 
color body brightgreen white "<[Gg]>"               # <g> 
color body brightgreen white "<[Bb][Gg]>"           # <bg> 
color body brightgreen white " [;:]-*[)>(<|]"       # :-) etc... 
color body brightblue  white "\\*[A-Za-z]+\\*"      # *Bold* text. 
mono quoted bold 
bind pager <down> next-line 
bind pager <up> previous-line 
bind pager <left> previous-entry 
bind pager <right> next-entry 
bind pager end bottom 
bind pager home top 
bind generic <pageup> half-up 
bind generic <page-down> half-down 
bind pager <find> bottom 
bind pager "\111" bottom 
bind pager d delete-message 
bind pager r reply 
bind generic <pageup> half-up 
bind generic <page-down> half-down 
push V 

On Fri, Jan 19, 2001 at 09:27:44AM +0100, Redak, Dorian wrote:
> I'm trying to use mutt as MUA and get an error msg when trying to send mail:
> Error sending message, child exited 127 (Exec error.)
> The original sendmail binaries have been replaced by the qmail wrapper.

Is the partition that /var/qmail/bin is on mounted with either the
noexec or nosuid option? If so, you need to remove those options. The
qmail binaries need to be executed and qmail-queue is setuid qmailq.

James Raftery (JBR54)
  "Managing 4000 customer domains with BIND has been a lot like
   herding cats." - Mike Batchelor, on [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Fri, Jan 19, 2001 at 10:27:26AM +0100, Mario Thaten wrote:
> I am currently installing tcpserver as a full
> replacement for xinetd. What I depend on, are the services, that are
> considered internal by xinetd (daytime, time, echo, discard). 

What do you need those services for?

> Unfortunately I did not find any hint in tcpserver's documentation nor any
> software on freshmeat that could fulfill this service.

For echo:

tcpserver 0 7 cat

For discard:

tcpserver 0 7 /bin/sh -c 'cat > /dev/null'

I don't know the specifications for daytime/time off the top of my
head, but NTP is much more accurate. I suggest using that instead.

Mario Thaten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> What I depend on, are the services, that are considered internal by
> xinetd (daytime, time, echo, discard).

It's more likely that you don't depend on them, but since they're
turned on by default, you think something might break if you turn them
off.  But if you really want to run them:
tcpserver 0 discard sh -c 'exec cat > /dev/null'
tcpserver 0 echo cat
tcpserver 0 daytime daytimed
(Get my daytimed from <URL:http://multivac.cwru.edu/prj-utils/daytimed.c>.)
I don't have a tcpserver time implementation, but it'd be easy enough
to write one.  Read RFC 868 for the definition.


* On 01/19/01 12:15 Alex Pennace ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> On Fri, Jan 19, 2001 at 10:27:26AM +0100, Mario Thaten wrote:
> > I am currently installing tcpserver as a full
> > replacement for xinetd. What I depend on, are the services, that are
> > considered internal by xinetd (daytime, time, echo, discard). 
> What do you need those services for?

I myself rarely need them. But on my network there are programmers that
insist on this functionality. And as I am just the executive power...
> > Unfortunately I did not find any hint in tcpserver's documentation nor any
> > software on freshmeat that could fulfill this service.
> For echo:
> tcpserver 0 7 cat
> For discard:
> tcpserver 0 7 /bin/sh -c 'cat > /dev/null'
> I don't know the specifications for daytime/time off the top of my
> head, but NTP is much more accurate. I suggest using that instead

Ok, I will follow your hints!
Thanks a lot to Paul, too!

Good night, 
Mario :)

 .~.    Mario Thaten ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
/( )\   "There are just 2 rules in life:
 ^ ^     Always be yourself, but never mind to change."

> So let's say each cluster node was using something like 
> /var/qmail/queue/_NODE_IP_HERE_/ on the NFS server,
> it wouldn't be a problem for the delivery or the Maildirs?

The docs fairly clearly say that putting the queue on NFS is a no-no.

My understanding has always been that this isn't just because you
might be tempted to share it, which obviously wouldn't work, but that
the semantics of NFS are not sufficient for how the qmail-queue and
delivery programs are written.

>From 'THOUGHTS', as distributed with qmail-1.03:

   5. Handling queued mail (qmail-send, qmail-clean)

   The queue directory must be local. Mounting it over NFS is extremely
   dangerous---not that this stops people from running sendmail that way!
   Diskless hosts should use mini-qmail instead.

Delivery to Maildirs on NFS is fine - the order of operations
specified are constructed in order that it can be "safe" - although
you should note that the recommendation is still to deliver locally
and read remotely if you must (obviously on a dedicated NFS server you
can't deliver locally.)


On Thu, Jan 18, 2001 at 09:12:02PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Henning Brauer wrote: 
> > On Thu, Jan 18, 2001 at 07:35:33PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > My question is, is it possible to run multiple instances
> > > of qmail, sharing the same disk structure, configuration, etc..
> > at least /var/qmail/queue/ must be local. Maildirs on NFS isn't that problem.
> > I won't rely on linux NFS, but thats another thing.
> So let's say each cluster node was using something like 
> /var/qmail/queue/_NODE_IP_HERE_/ on the NFS server,
> it wouldn't be a problem for the delivery or the Maildirs?

I said /var/qmail/queue must be local, and I mean local. local is definitely
another thing as "over NFS".

> I've taken a quick look at the qmail-smtpd man pages,

If we are talking about the queue you should look at qmail-queue of course.

> As for the OS issue, I've had nothing but trouble with *BSDs, and where

You made a fault somewhere.

> What I'm after is not really a performance boost from qmail (I'm sure
> it could run as a dedicated server and perform beyond expectations),
> it's more of a high availability issue. I'm planning on using
> a network block device on the NFS 

HA and NFS in one sentence. Interesting.

> server to do a network RAID-1
> for everything that is written to the server, with heartbeat
> to automatically take over if the main server fails. Coupled
> with the hardware raid,journaling filesystem, and the clustered servers, 
> I think it would be pretty hard to bring the system completely down.
> (knock on head)

Buy two machines with _fast_ local disk storage systems and place the
Maildirs on a shared RAID subsystem. NFS isn't suited for HA.

> If so, wouldn't this indicate that there aren't any concurrency 
> issue with the queue?

Disk throughput for the queue disk is the first performance problem on heavy
loaded qmail systems, given you have enough Bandwidth. The queue relies on a
good filesystem, the inode stuff is _very_ important. FFS seems to fit best
for qmail's needs.

Henning Brauer     | BS Web Services
Hostmaster BSWS    | Roedingsmarkt 14
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | 20459 Hamburg
http://www.bsws.de | Germany


>My question is, is it possible to run multiple instances
>of qmail, sharing the same disk structure, configuration, etc..

No. The queue cannot be shared by multiple instances of qmail.


On Fri, 19 Jan 2001, Henning Brauer wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 18, 2001 at 07:35:33PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > My question is, is it possible to run multiple instances
> > of qmail, sharing the same disk structure, configuration, etc..
> at least /var/qmail/queue/ must be local. Maildirs on NFS isn't that problem.
> I won't rely on linux NFS, but thats another thing.

And the queue is a point of failure, if the filesystem with the queue dies
with mail in the queue, said mail is gone. Which means if you really want
HA, the queue should sit on a RAID1 or similar. RAID5 would be a nasty
performance hit.

> > That's plan A. Plan B is setting up a dedicated mail
> > server, which I would like to avoid if necessary,
> > because it won't scale nearly as well.
> For first: for performance reasons one qmail machine _might_ be enough.
> You also might want to look at qmail-ldap with its native clustering
> support. http://www.nrg4u.com, docs at http://www.lifewithqmail.org/ldap/
> You should also spend some thoughts on your OS, the *BSDs may be much better
> choices for a high volume qmail server.

qmail-ldap looks great, LDAP lets you distribute your authorization
information and supports HA similar to the way DNS works. However,
qmail-ldap's definition of clustering does NOT include HA or failover,
last I heard. It does handle distributing mail delivery across a cluster
of machines in a transparent manner.


Bill Carlson
Systems Programmer    [EMAIL PROTECTED]    |  Opinions are mine,
Virtual Hospital      http://www.vh.org/        |  not my employer's.
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics        |

Dave Sill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >My question is, is it possible to run multiple instances
> >of qmail, sharing the same disk structure, configuration, etc..
> No. The queue cannot be shared by multiple instances of qmail.

OTOH, everything else (binaries, configuration, addresses) can be
shared.  Then if one queue disk dies, you've lost any mail that was in
it, but other mail will be unaffected.


On Fri, Jan 19, 2001 at 10:14:09AM -0600, Bill Carlson wrote:
> On Fri, 19 Jan 2001, Henning Brauer wrote: 
> > On Thu, Jan 18, 2001 at 07:35:33PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > My question is, is it possible to run multiple instances
> > > of qmail, sharing the same disk structure, configuration, etc..
> > at least /var/qmail/queue/ must be local. Maildirs on NFS isn't that problem.
> > I won't rely on linux NFS, but thats another thing.
> And the queue is a point of failure, if the filesystem with the queue dies
> with mail in the queue, said mail is gone. Which means if you really want
> HA, the queue should sit on a RAID1 or similar. RAID5 would be a nasty
> performance hit.

I took this a precedence, of course.

> > > That's plan A. Plan B is setting up a dedicated mail
> > > server, which I would like to avoid if necessary,
> > > because it won't scale nearly as well.
> > For first: for performance reasons one qmail machine _might_ be enough.
> > You also might want to look at qmail-ldap with its native clustering
> > support. http://www.nrg4u.com, docs at http://www.lifewithqmail.org/ldap/
> > You should also spend some thoughts on your OS, the *BSDs may be much better
> > choices for a high volume qmail server.
> qmail-ldap looks great, LDAP lets you distribute your authorization
> information and supports HA similar to the way DNS works. However,
> qmail-ldap's definition of clustering does NOT include HA or failover,
> last I heard. It does handle distributing mail delivery across a cluster
> of machines in a transparent manner.

You are right. qmail-ldap's clustering is just one important piece of you HA
solution. Use some kind of IP based HA solution (like BigIP) for the MXes
and the user intercating machines (outgoing SMTP, pop/imap), and build a hot
standby solution for your Maildir holding machine. An external RAID with at
least two external SCSI busses is a must here.  

> $.02
> Bill Carlson
> -- 
> Systems Programmer    [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |  Opinions are mine,
> Virtual Hospital      http://www.vh.org/        |  not my employer's.
> University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics      |

Henning Brauer     | BS Web Services
Hostmaster BSWS    | Roedingsmarkt 14
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | 20459 Hamburg
http://www.bsws.de | Germany

Exactly.. I have 7 instances of qmail running on a Linux box (don't ask why
its a rather long complicated story) and has been that way for about a year
now.. No lost messages or anything. Just make sure your running the big
concurrency patch. Other than that as far as performance .. It does work
faster when each of our major clients has his own qmail process to goto.
However that's about the only benefit.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul Jarc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Dave Sill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2001 8:30 AM
Subject: Re: Multiple instances of qmail...

Dave Sill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >My question is, is it possible to run multiple instances
> >of qmail, sharing the same disk structure, configuration, etc..
> No. The queue cannot be shared by multiple instances of qmail.

OTOH, everything else (binaries, configuration, addresses) can be
shared.  Then if one queue disk dies, you've lost any mail that was in
it, but other mail will be unaffected.



> Henning Brauer wrote:
> > 
> > On Thu, Jan 18, 2001 at 07:35:33PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > My question is, is it possible to run multiple instances
> > > of qmail, sharing the same disk structure, configuration, etc..
> > 
> > at least /var/qmail/queue/ must be local. Maildirs on NFS isn't that problem.
> > I won't rely on linux NFS, but thats another thing.
> > 
> So let's say each cluster node was using something like 
> /var/qmail/queue/_NODE_IP_HERE_/ on the NFS server,
> it wouldn't be a problem for the delivery or the Maildirs?
> If this is the case, is there a startup option I can give
> to qmail-smtpd to change it's mail queue path?
> (Or a simple hack)

  The simple hack is to make /var/qmail/queue a symlink to the real
queue directory, somewhere on an NFS server.

  But unless your system is extremely small, NFS performance will be
an issue.  We were not able to use NFS-mounted queues for a 40,000
user system at all, with Solaris clients and a NetApp server, arguably
two of the best NFS implementations out there.


Charles Warwick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Yes the data of the message will 'pass through' that machine.  There is no
> way with SMTP for it to just see the RCPT TO: address and say, no I don't
> accept that e-mail, please send that to a different mail server.  

Well, there is. But I've not seen it specifically supported in sender
or (non-)receiver:

RFC 821 offers:



         551 User not local; please try <forward-path>
            This reply indicates that the receiver-SMTP knows the user's
            mailbox is on another host and indicates the correct
            forward-path to use.  Note that either the host or user or
            both may be different.  The receiver refuses to accept mail
            for this user, and the sender must either redirect the mail
            according to the information provided or return an error
            response to the originating user.

although clearly the bounce that results from that could direct the
recipient to send the mail elsewhere. Which may, or may not be, what
the original poster was wanting to avoid.



i've the follows configuration:
[POP-Client] <-> [qmail-intern] <-> [qmail-extern] <-> [Internet]

when the POP-Client send an email, this goes to qmail-intern, then
qmail-extern (I'd like here manipulate the qmail header, put out the header
lines from POP-Client and qmail-intern! Only the eMail header lines from
qmail-extern should be exist!) --> Internet

Have any body any idee?

Thank for the help


Sent through GMX FreeMail - http://www.gmx.net


>i've the follows configuration:
>[POP-Client] <-> [qmail-intern] <-> [qmail-extern] <-> [Internet]
>when the POP-Client send an email, this goes to qmail-intern, then
>qmail-extern (I'd like here manipulate the qmail header, put out the header
>lines from POP-Client and qmail-intern! Only the eMail header lines from
>qmail-extern should be exist!) --> Internet
>Have any body any idee?

Sure. Look at:


You'd want to modify the .qmail-fixup-default file to massage the
messages via a script before re-injecting them.


Thanks to all those who answered my question yesterday
about what MUAs are and Maildir configuration. I was
able to successfully send Internet mail, albeit with
no subject or body.

My question today comes after further reading of the
included documentation. It says that Pine and Elm are
both insecure and unstable, and that BSD mail is
worse. However, it makes no mention of a good MUA.
What would you all recommend, and where could I get
it? I need clients for both my OpenBSD box and
eventual Windows clients (for whom I am considering
building a POP "toaster").

Alex Le Fevre

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail. 

for Unix: mutt, mutt or mutt. Also worth mentioning is mutt.
"cd /usr/ports/mail/mutt; make install" on your OpenBSD box.
Henning Brauer     | BS Web Services
Hostmaster BSWS    | Roedingsmarkt 14
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | 20459 Hamburg
http://www.bsws.de | Germany

Alex Le Fevre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> My question today comes after further reading of the included
> documentation. It says that Pine and Elm are both insecure and
> unstable, and that BSD mail is worse. However, it makes no mention
> of a good MUA.  What would you all recommend, and where could I get
> it? I need clients for both my OpenBSD box and eventual Windows
> clients (for whom I am considering building a POP "toaster").

Emacs runs on both Unix and Windows, so you could use Gnus.  It's
exceedingly reconfigurable, and it can get mail from lots of different
kinds of sources, including POP for your Windows users, and maildir
for your Unix users.


Alex Le Fevre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My question today comes after further reading of the
> included documentation. It says that Pine and Elm are
> both insecure and unstable, and that BSD mail is
> worse. However, it makes no mention of a good MUA.
> What would you all recommend, and where could I get
> it? I need clients for both my OpenBSD box and
> eventual Windows clients (for whom I am considering
> building a POP "toaster").

Any unix:  mutt (www.mutt.org).
Windows:  I haven't seen a "good" MUA yet.  But you could try Pegasus,
Eudora, or Netscape's built-in MUA.

Charles Cazabon                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:  http://www.qcc.sk.ca/~charlesc/software/
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

Gavin McCord <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I've created the /service directory with the necessary permissions
> and added on one line
> SV:123456:respawn:env - PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin
>  svscan /service </dev/null >/dev/console 2>/dev/console

This should all be on one line.  Maybe it was your mailer that wrapped
it, but if not, fix it.

> However, having HUPped init, there's no new svscan running. I say new
> because there is an svscan running the qmail programs.

How was your old svscan invoked?  If it was done by an inittab line
that started with SV:, then init thinks this new configuration is
supposed to be the same instance.

> Can I run two svscans, or is there a conflict there? If so, what's
> the best way to reconcile the /var/qmail/supervise and /service
> directories.

You can run two svscans in different directories, but it'd be better
to have just one running in /service.  Make symlinks in /service to
your qmail service directories, start svscan there, and then (if you
want to stop the harmless warnings) svc -dx each of the qmail service
directories (including their log directories).


I'm getting error msgs to the console (a small
supervise: fatal: unable to start lib/run: file does not exist
supervise: fatal: unable to start tmp/run: file does not exist
supervise: fatal: unable to start cdrom/run: file does not exist
supervise: fatal: unable to start bin/run: file does not exist
supervise: fatal: unable to start usr/run: file does not exist
supervise: fatal: unable to start var/run: access denied
ad infinitum
This from the entry in inittab. 

I'm Keyser Soze...No, I'm Keyser Soze. I'm Keyser Soze and so's my wife!
(Monty Python play The Usual Suspects.)

On Fri, Jan 19, 2001 at 07:34:41PM +0000, Gavin McCord wrote:
> I'm getting error msgs to the console (a small
> selection):
> supervise: fatal: unable to start lib/run: file does not exist
> supervise: fatal: unable to start tmp/run: file does not exist
> supervise: fatal: unable to start cdrom/run: file does not exist
> supervise: fatal: unable to start bin/run: file does not exist
> supervise: fatal: unable to start usr/run: file does not exist
> supervise: fatal: unable to start var/run: access denied
> ad infinitum

You are starting svscan in /. Either start it in /service or give /service
as parameter to svscan. This is all well documented.

> This from the entry in inittab. 

Henning Brauer     | BS Web Services
Hostmaster BSWS    | Roedingsmarkt 14
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | 20459 Hamburg
http://www.bsws.de | Germany

looks like you didn't give svscan an argument to your service directory.
check to see what the svscan line is like.  should be invoked like svscan
/service, not just svscan or svcan /.


On Fri, 19 Jan 2001, Gavin McCord wrote:

> I'm getting error msgs to the console (a small
> selection):
> supervise: fatal: unable to start lib/run: file does not exist
> supervise: fatal: unable to start tmp/run: file does not exist
> supervise: fatal: unable to start cdrom/run: file does not exist
> supervise: fatal: unable to start bin/run: file does not exist
> supervise: fatal: unable to start usr/run: file does not exist
> supervise: fatal: unable to start var/run: access denied
> ad infinitum
> This from the entry in inittab. 
> -- 
> I'm Keyser Soze...No, I'm Keyser Soze. I'm Keyser Soze and so's my wife!
> (Monty Python play The Usual Suspects.)

How i can add:
in headers ?

How change my host in header my cause i have ns1.ndsoftware.net and i want

Nicolas DEFFAYET, NDSoftware
http://www.ndsoftware.net - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
France: Tel +33 671887502 - Fax N/A
UK: Tel +44 8453348750 - Fax +44 8453348751
USA: Tel N/A - Fax N/A

"Boz Crowther" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I have a DOS command-line mailer that doesn't correctly construct
>mail, it seems.  I've used recordio to get exactly what's coming from
>the mailer in the logs and what I see is that the mailer doesn't
>include header information specified on the command line after it
>gets the go ahead to send DATA, although MAIL FROM and RCPT TO are
>correctly specified.  The result is an email without the From or To
>specified in the recipient's mailbox.  Moreover, if I don't include a
>blank line at the beginning of the body, there will be no body text,
>either.  (If anybody wants to see the output of recordio I can
>forward it to you, but it's pretty long.)

Sounds like that DOS command-line mailer is a POS and a PITA. Why not
find a better one? You could probably even write your in perl pretty
easily using existing network and SMTP modules.

>Is there a fixcrio-like utility out there that will correct this

You could use something like the "fixme" setup described in:


But massage the headers before re-injecting the messages.


"Jacques <Frip'> WERNERT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Can you tell me much more about that please?
>From: "Dave Sill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> "Jacques <Frip'> WERNERT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >I'd like to know why I have messages in the queue (ie given by
>> >qmail-qstat) and I don't have as many qmail-remote processes as I've
>> >defined (verified by chkspawn).
>> One obvious possibility is that the messages in the queue failed
>> temporarily on their previous delivery attempt and qmail-send is just
>> waiting for their retry time to roll around.

Sure. Sometimes when you send a message to an address on a remote
system, the first attempt may not succeed due to a problem that it
considered temporary, either by the remote site or by the SMTP
protocol. For example, if you're sending a message to
[EMAIL PROTECTED], and your qmail can look up the address of
joesdomain.com in the DNS but it isn't able to connect to its port 25,
that's considered a temporary problem. Rather than immediately
throwing up its hands and bouncing the message back to the sender,
qmail (and other MTA's) keeps the message in its queue and tries
periodically to send it. If, after five days (by default), the message
is still undelivered, qmail bounces it as permanently undeliverable.



in fact I trying to know why I can see sometimes 100 qmail-remote processes
and sometimes only 10 with many messages in my queue (ie 200).

So why qmail-send is not asking rspawn to fork much more ...



----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave Sill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2001 7:30 PM
Subject: Re: why so few qmail-remote processes ...

> "Jacques <Frip'> WERNERT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I'd like to know why I have messages in the queue (ie given by
> >qmail-qstat) and I don't have as many qmail-remote processes as I've
> >defined (verified by chkspawn).
> One obvious possibility is that the messages in the queue failed
> temporarily on their previous delivery attempt and qmail-send is just
> waiting for their retry time to roll around.
> -Dave

"Jacques <Frip'> WERNERT" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> in fact I trying to know why I can see sometimes 100 qmail-remote processes
> and sometimes only 10 with many messages in my queue (ie 200).
> So why qmail-send is not asking rspawn to fork much more ...

After a delivery attempt fails, qmail waits a while before retrying
it.  If it failed once, it's likely it'll fail again if you retry
immediately, so that would be wasted effort.


Any sugestions?

On Fri, Jan 19, 2001 at 06:13:04PM +0100, Isaac Jaramillo wrote:
> Any sugestions?

Pick a support provider from <http://www.qmail.org/top.html#paidsup>
and share your wonderful attitude with them.

I'm trying to setup squirrel mail and I was wondering if anyone has a
suggestion as to which IMAP server I should use.



This is a new install on OpenBSD V2.8 following LWQ...thanks Dave.  Fixed
one problem by getting a hint from the searchable archive, thanks again
Dave Sill, there is some info on this problem there, but not enough to fix
it or know WHY it has happened. Looking for a clue here  :-)  How do I
setup the cdb or is this a perm problem ???

Evetything else seems to be running e.g.


load averages:  0.31,  0.19,  0.081;72H11:33:48
27 processes:  1 running, 26 idle
CPU states:     % user,     % nice,     % system,     % interrupt,     %
Memory: Real: 5148K/13M act/tot  Free: 13M  Swap: 4K/133M used/tot

 9364 root       2    0  300K  884K idle  select   0:00  0.00% sshd
23144 marrandy  18    0  376K  296K idle  pause    0:00  0.00% sh
31878 root      18    0  324K  248K sleep pause    0:00  0.00% csh
 7683 root       2    0   96K  420K idle  select   0:00  0.00% syslogd
14062 qmails     2    0  100K  436K idle  select   0:00  0.00% qmail-send
17930 root      10    0   68K  396K sleep nanosl   0:00  0.00% svscan
22702 qmaill    -6    0   36K  344K idle  piperd   0:00  0.00% multilog
26530 qmaild     2    0   60K  448K idle  netcon   0:00  0.00% tcpserver
28675 qmaill    -6    0   36K  344K idle  piperd   0:00  0.00% multilog
 9487 qmailq    -6    0   36K  372K idle  piperd   0:00  0.00% qmail-clean
17133 root       2    0   44K  380K idle  select   0:00  0.00% qmail-lspawn
 4006 root      18    0  324K  252K sleep pause    0:00  0.00% csh
    1 root      10    0  332K  204K idle  wait     0:00  0.00% init
30092 qmailr     2    0   40K  348K idle  select   0:00  0.00% qmail-rspawn
12138 root       3    0   92K  460K sleep ttyin    0:00  0.00% script
30731 root       2    0   24K  364K idle  poll     0:00  0.00% supervise
22284 root       2    0   24K  364K idle  poll     0:00  0.00% supervise
 2763 root       2    0   24K  364K idle  poll     0:00  0.00% supervise
17832 root       2    0   24K  364K idle  poll     0:00  0.00% supervise

I suppose syslogd should be there if it's beiing used by other
processors....or not ??

ps aux

root     20650  0.0  0.8   284   252 p0  R+    11:34AM    0:00.00 ps -aux 
root      7683  0.0  1.3    96   420 ??  Is    11:32AM    0:00.06 syslogd 
root     16728  0.0  1.3    52   400 ??  Is    11:32AM    0:00.00 inetd 
root      9364  0.0  2.8   300   884 ??  Is    11:32AM    0:00.28
root     17930  0.0  1.2    68   396 C0- S     11:32AM    0:00.02 svscan 
root     24223  0.0  1.5   224   492 ??  Ss    11:32AM    0:00.01 cron 
root      2763  0.0  1.1    24   364 C0- I     11:32AM    0:00.01 supervise
root     22284  0.0  1.1    24   364 C0- I     11:32AM    0:00.01 supervise
root     17832  0.0  1.1    24   364 C0- I     11:32AM    0:00.01 supervise
root     30731  0.0  1.1    24   364 C0- I     11:32AM    0:00.01 supervise
qmaill   22702  0.0  1.1    36   344 ??  I     11:32AM    0:00.02
qmaill   28675  0.0  1.1    36   344 ??  I     11:32AM    0:00.01
qmails   14062  0.0  1.4   100   436 ??  I     11:32AM    0:00.04 qmail-send

marrandy 23144  0.0  0.9   376   296 C0  Is    11:32AM    0:00.14 -sh (sh)
root     31241  0.0  1.5    44   468 C1  Is+   11:32AM    0:00.01
root     11946  0.0  1.5    44   468 C2  Is+   11:32AM    0:00.01
root     18579  0.0  1.5    44   468 C3  Is+   11:32AM    0:00.01
root     15164  0.0  1.5    44   468 C5  Is+   11:32AM    0:00.01
qmaild   26530  0.0  1.4    60   448 ??  I     11:32AM    0:00.02
root     17133  0.0  1.2    44   380 ??  I     11:32AM    0:00.01
qmailr   30092  0.0  1.1    40   348 ??  I     11:32AM    0:00.01
qmailq    9487  0.0  1.2    36   372 ??  I     11:32AM    0:00.01
root     31878  0.0  0.8   324   248 C0  I     11:33AM    0:00.13 -csh (csh)
root     12138  0.0  1.4    92   460 C0  S+    11:33AM    0:00.01 script 
root     30100  0.0  1.3   104   400 C0  S+    11:33AM    0:00.01 script 
root      4006  0.0  0.8   324   252 p0  Ss    11:33AM    0:00.01 -bin/csh
root         1  0.0  0.7   332   204 ??  Is    11:32AM    0:00.01 /sbin/init

>From /usr/local/sbin/qmail


tcprules /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb /etc/tcp.smtp.tmp < /etc/tcp.smtp
chmod 644 /etc/tcp.smtp*
echo "Reloaded /etc/tcp.smtp.
echo "Reloaded /etc/tcp.smtp."



-rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel         52 Jan 19 04:39 tcp.smtp

No /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb

Where do I go from here ?

"20 scared-out-of-their-gourds 3 or 4-year olds is an example of what I'd
like to do to some of you who are really getting on my nerves."

Martin Randall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>This is a new install on OpenBSD V2.8 following LWQ...thanks Dave.

You're welcome.

>From /usr/local/sbin/qmail
>tcprules /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb /etc/tcp.smtp.tmp < /etc/tcp.smtp
>chmod 644 /etc/tcp.smtp*
>echo "Reloaded /etc/tcp.smtp.
>echo "Reloaded /etc/tcp.smtp."
>-rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel         52 Jan 19 04:39 tcp.smtp
>No /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb
>Where do I go from here ?

Did you skip the step where you do:

  /usr/local/sbin/qmail cdb


Hello Dave

On 19-Jan-01, you wrote:

>> <SNIP>
>> /etc
>> -rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel         52 Jan 19 04:39 tcp.smtp
>> No /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb
>> Where do I go from here ?
> Did you skip the step where you do:
>  /usr/local/sbin/qmail cdb
> -Dave

No, did that twice. When I did a   vi /etc/tcp.smtp   I found two identical
entries  of 127.:allow,RELAYCLIENT=""
had to   dd  one of them.

Hmmm...on second thoughts, I wonder if I entered it all on one line ?

Would that make a difference ?

I'll try it as two separate commands from the shell.

Adam West is tied to a giant waffle iron!  How will he escape?

Martin Randall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Hello Dave
>On 19-Jan-01, you wrote:
>> Did you skip the step where you do:
>>  /usr/local/sbin/qmail cdb
>No, did that twice. When I did a   vi /etc/tcp.smtp   I found two identical
>entries  of 127.:allow,RELAYCLIENT=""
>had to   dd  one of them.

When you run:

  /usr/local/sbin/qmail cdb

do you get any output other than the "Reloaded" message?

>Hmmm...on second thoughts, I wonder if I entered it all on one line ?
>Would that make a difference ?

That depends on what you mean by "it". :-) LWQ says:

  Allow the local host to inject mail via SMTP:

    echo '127.:allow,RELAYCLIENT=""' >>/etc/tcp.smtp
    /usr/local/sbin/qmail cdb

That's two separate commands. Each should be entered on one line. The
echo command should not be repeated, but the "qmail cdb" can be
re-executed to your heart's content.


Hello Martin

On 19-Jan-01, you wrote:
>>> No /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb
>>> Where do I go from here ?
>> Did you skip the step where you do:
>>  /usr/local/sbin/qmail cdb
>> -Dave
> No, did that twice. When I did a vi /etc/tcp.smtp I found two identical
> entries of 127.:allow,RELAYCLIENT="" had to dd one of them.
> Hmmm...on second thoughts, I wonder if I entered it all on one line ?
> Would that make a difference ?
> I'll try it as two separate commands from the shell.

That was it !  duh...mental overload, too much reading. Don't know why I did

O.K. - it's taken two mails from another server that were queued.
/var/log/qmail/current  shows them being processed.

Will study some more now. 

I need to have pop3d running via tcpserver from supervise/svscan.
Want to add APOP.
Play some more with dameontools, then qmailananlog.

Then add  Publicfile or djbdns for this active machine/domain.

This is good. 

There's a big difference for me from   'playing'  with these programs  on a
computer inside or even disconnected from the lan and actually having it on
it's own external IP with domain name.
Separating the docs so you don't get confused by mixing them together is
also very important.

Anyway, more testing to do...thanks everyone.

A dress makes no sense unless it inspires men to want to take it off you.

Who use AVP with Qmail ?
When i try of use it my qmail don't work !
Help me please !

Nicolas DEFFAYET, NDSoftware
http://www.ndsoftware.net - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
France: Tel +33 671887502 - Fax N/A
UK: Tel +44 8453348750 - Fax +44 8453348751
USA: Tel N/A - Fax N/A

I have read the manuel but when i have start qmail i can't send mail (qmail
tmp error) and i can check my pop account but no mail are download...

I have check the right of qmail-que and qmail-queue and i have chack the AVP
configuration !

I have stop and start qmail and AVP !

Help me please !!!!
Thanks very very much !

Nicolas DEFFAYET, NDSoftware
http://www.ndsoftware.net - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
France: Tel +33 671887502 - Fax N/A
UK: Tel +44 8453348750 - Fax +44 8453348751
USA: Tel N/A - Fax N/A

-----Original Message-----
From: Felix von Leitner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2001 8:25 PM
To: NDSoftware
Subject: Re: AVP

> Who use AVP with Qmail ?
> When i try of use it my qmail don't work !

If you can't read the manual yourself, hire someone to do it for you.


I am in need of some bandidth monitoring/analysis, of qmail...
I need to know what percentage of bandwidth of all running processes qmail
is taking, and of that bandwidht, what percentage each virtual domain is
I am using the vmailmgr package for virtual domains...

Any suggestions greatly appreciated.

Barry Smoke

I search too but i need the bandwith used by domains and install a quota !

Nicolas DEFFAYET, NDSoftware
http://www.ndsoftware.net - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
France: Tel +33 671887502 - Fax N/A
UK: Tel +44 8453348750 - Fax +44 8453348751
USA: Tel N/A - Fax N/A

-----Original Message-----
From: Barry Smoke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2001 9:37 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Vmailmgr@Lists. Em. Ca
Subject: bandwidth monitoring/analysis

I am in need of some bandidth monitoring/analysis, of qmail...
I need to know what percentage of bandwidth of all running processes qmail
is taking, and of that bandwidht, what percentage each virtual domain is
I am using the vmailmgr package for virtual domains...

Any suggestions greatly appreciated.

Barry Smoke


I want to evaluate the logs that are generated within ma LWQ-Setup. I am
not really sure which log directory contains what.


As one might guess the smtpd directory might contain any message that
enters or leaves the mailserver via smtp, right? But what is in the
/qmail log-dir? Any mail that is processed, also the mails that do not
come/go via smtp? 
If I want to generate statistics and I use only the
logs in /var/log/qmail (and I skip the ones in the smtpd subdir) do I
then catch any mail that comes to/leaves/passes my server?



Clemens Hermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> If I want to generate statistics and I use only the
> logs in /var/log/qmail (and I skip the ones in the smtpd subdir) do I
> then catch any mail that comes to/leaves/passes my server?

Yes.  The smtpd logs record only the arrival of messages through
qmail-smtpd.  All other processing of those and other messages is
recorded in the main log directory.


Clemens Hermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I want to evaluate the logs that are generated within ma LWQ-Setup. I am
>not really sure which log directory contains what.
>As one might guess the smtpd directory might contain any message that
>enters or leaves the mailserver via smtp, right?

Good guess, but it's wrong. The smtpd directory logs the output of the 
tcpserver that handles port 25. It's pretty boring, it just shows who
connected and when. qmail-smtpd doesn't do any logging itself.

>But what is in the /qmail log-dir? Any mail that is processed, also
>the mails that do not come/go via smtp? 

/var/log/qmail contains the qmail-send logs. This is where all the
important information about all delivery attempts is logged. See:


For more details about the qmail-send logs.

>If I want to generate statistics and I use only the
>logs in /var/log/qmail (and I skip the ones in the smtpd subdir) do I
>then catch any mail that comes to/leaves/passes my server?



Where i can get log for QMail Queue because i have '451 qq Temporary Problem
(#4.3.0)' when in send a mail after install AVP.

Nicolas DEFFAYET, NDSoftware
http://www.ndsoftware.net - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
France: Tel +33 671887502 - Fax N/A
UK: Tel +44 8453348750 - Fax +44 8453348751
USA: Tel N/A - Fax N/A

"NDSoftware" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Where i can get log for QMail Queue because i have '451 qq Temporary Problem
>(#4.3.0)' when in send a mail after install AVP.

How did you configure your logging?



  The US Secret Service uses a formula devised by a psyciatrist to
determine the danger level someone poses by their use of exclamation
marks.  Specifically, the number of exclamation marks they use to make a
point. So, I suggest that this list filter out those messages that have this
characteristic for everyone's safety.


* Steve Fulton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> The US Secret Service uses a formula devised by a psyciatrist to
> determine the danger level someone poses by their use of exclamation
> marks.  Specifically, the number of exclamation marks they use to make
> a point. So, I suggest that this list filter out those messages that
> have this characteristic for everyone's safety.

For better or worse, well-informed sources have also leaked the

* Isreal's Mossad is scanning for capitalization to assess people's IQ;

* Germany's BND is scanning for vowels in order to measure the amount of
  Aryan content in a mail;

* MI5 is looking for ASCII art to eliminate the last surviving

May I therefore suggest the following (it's for your own good, honey,
trust me...):

  g t   f ck ng l f  y   f ck n g   d  t1111

Chris Garrigues wrote:

> > "Upgrade" suggests adding features, rather more than "patch" does;
> > patches are often released to fix bugs.
> How about "addition" or "extension"?

we need something that vaguely impugns the patch, without implying
that the patch is required, and we wish to keep current meaning of
"patch" and be consistent with all current habits.

My nomination is, drumroll please

"non-standard option"

or , even more impugnly,

"unsupported option"

These could even be ranked in order of sanity, from the ones
that get mentioned all the time on the list, to the ones that
are heretical to "official" reccommendations.

                      David Nicol 816.235.1187 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
               "Live fast, die young, and leave a beautiful corpse"

I've searched the archives extensively, and I've learned quite a lot, but
I'd like advice on this question:

Assuming RAID 1+0 is not an option (due to the expense), what level of
RAID is best for storing /Maildir's on a file server (that will be
accessible to the SMTP & POP servers via NFS).  Redudancy is the big
issue, otherwise I'd go for RAID 1.  The suits are pushing for RAID 5
because they don't know better - and won't listen.


Hey Steve,
   I'm not sure what your question is, you seem to not want to
do RAID 5 and can't do RAID 1+0, that leaves RAID 1 if redundancy
is required.  Were you mistaking RAID 1 and 0?

Basically the only question you really need to ask yourself is
how much mail you'll end up storing?  If you're going to
eventually store more mail than the largest pair of hard drives
you can afford right now, then RAID 1 won't be an option that
will let you easily grow later, you'll need RAID 5 so you can
start small now and add disks as needed.  I'm sure any decent
RAID 5 controller can pump data out fast enough to saturate
a fast ethernet segment with NFS reads from your POP3 servers.


-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Fulton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2001 5:00 PM
Subject: RAID & Qmail.

I've searched the archives extensively, and I've learned quite a lot, but
I'd like advice on this question:

Assuming RAID 1+0 is not an option (due to the expense), what level of
RAID is best for storing /Maildir's on a file server (that will be
accessible to the SMTP & POP servers via NFS).  Redudancy is the big
issue, otherwise I'd go for RAID 1.  The suits are pushing for RAID 5
because they don't know better - and won't listen.


On Fri, 19 Jan 2001, Steve Fulton wrote:
>I've searched the archives extensively, and I've learned quite a lot, but
>I'd like advice on this question:
>Assuming RAID 1+0 is not an option (due to the expense), what level of
>RAID is best for storing /Maildir's on a file server (that will be
>accessible to the SMTP & POP servers via NFS).  Redudancy is the big
>issue, otherwise I'd go for RAID 1.  The suits are pushing for RAID 5
>because they don't know better - and won't listen.
>       Steve.

Well, not knowing anything about what system you are running, I'll still take a
stab at a recommendation. The system that we use here is an x86 system running
SuSE Linux 6.4. The only IDE (because I don't need expensive SCSI shit) raid
controller I found that would definitely work for what I wanted (redundancy,
which is also what you said you wanted) is an Arco Duplidisk. Works in any
system that has a PCI slot, even ones that don't natively support PCI (eg.
DOS). Sure, the setup of the card is done by booting off a DOS floppy, but
after that the card is never seen again by you unless a drive fails. In other
words, this is probably the easiest solution for you.

Matthew H Patterson
Unix Systems Administrator
National Support Center, LLC
Naperville, Illinois, USA

Steve Fulton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes on 19 January 2001 at 16:59:33 -0500
 > I've searched the archives extensively, and I've learned quite a lot, but
 > I'd like advice on this question:
 > Assuming RAID 1+0 is not an option (due to the expense), what level of
 > RAID is best for storing /Maildir's on a file server (that will be
 > accessible to the SMTP & POP servers via NFS).  Redudancy is the big
 > issue, otherwise I'd go for RAID 1.  The suits are pushing for RAID 5
 > because they don't know better - and won't listen.

Um;  0 is striping, 1 is mirroring, right?  I don't do this enough to
be confident of the numbers.  So if mirroring is too expensive, the
only option available for consideration is RAID 5, parity.  It has
less redundancy than mirroring, but good reliability (survives loss of
one disk).
David Dyer-Bennet      /      Welcome to the future!      /      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
SF: http://www.dd-b.net/dd-b/          Minicon: http://www.mnstf.org/minicon/
Photos: http://dd-b.lighthunters.net/

raid 4 is also an option - NetApp. however, they tend to be pricey. 

David Dyer-Bennet writes: 

> Steve Fulton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes on 19 January 2001 at 16:59:33 -0500
>  > I've searched the archives extensively, and I've learned quite a lot, but
>  > I'd like advice on this question:
>  > 
>  > Assuming RAID 1+0 is not an option (due to the expense), what level of
>  > RAID is best for storing /Maildir's on a file server (that will be
>  > accessible to the SMTP & POP servers via NFS).  Redudancy is the big
>  > issue, otherwise I'd go for RAID 1.  The suits are pushing for RAID 5
>  > because they don't know better - and won't listen. 
> Um;  0 is striping, 1 is mirroring, right?  I don't do this enough to
> be confident of the numbers.  So if mirroring is too expensive, the
> only option available for consideration is RAID 5, parity.  It has
> less redundancy than mirroring, but good reliability (survives loss of
> one disk).
> -- 
> David Dyer-Bennet      /      Welcome to the future!      /      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> SF: http://www.dd-b.net/dd-b/          Minicon: http://www.mnstf.org/minicon/
> Photos: http://dd-b.lighthunters.net/

Paul Theodoropoulos
Senior Unix Systems Administrator
Syntactically Subversive Services, Inc.
Downtime Is Not An Option 

David Dyer-Bennet wrote:
> Steve Fulton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes on 19 January 2001 at 16:59:33 -0500
>  > I've searched the archives extensively, and I've learned quite a lot, but
>  > I'd like advice on this question:
>  >
>  > Assuming RAID 1+0 is not an option (due to the expense), what level of
>  > RAID is best for storing /Maildir's on a file server (that will be
>  > accessible to the SMTP & POP servers via NFS).  Redudancy is the big
>  > issue, otherwise I'd go for RAID 1.  The suits are pushing for RAID 5
>  > because they don't know better - and won't listen.
> Um;  0 is striping, 1 is mirroring, right?  I don't do this enough to
> be confident of the numbers.  So if mirroring is too expensive, the
> only option available for consideration is RAID 5, parity.  It has
> less redundancy than mirroring, but good reliability (survives loss of
> one disk).

You are correct. Zero (0) is striping, one (1) is mirroring and five (5)
is parity. The OPs wording is confusing, or he's got 0 and 1 reversed
in his head somehow (or a complete misunderstanding of RAID levels)....

For the curious (just the first hit I found from Google ;)  ):



Steve Fulton wrote:
> I've searched the archives extensively, and I've learned quite a lot, but
> I'd like advice on this question:
> Assuming RAID 1+0 is not an option (due to the expense), what level of
> RAID is best for storing /Maildir's on a file server (that will be
> accessible to the SMTP & POP servers via NFS).  Redudancy is the big
> issue, otherwise I'd go for RAID 1.  The suits are pushing for RAID 5
> because they don't know better - and won't listen.
>         Steve.


I wish point you a reference regarding SMTP & POP via NFS:
 - I think NFS is a little slow and it locks the file-system which is not 
a good idea in case the NFS server will go down for a while.

I have RAID 1 between two fail-over qmail servers 
using NBD (network block device) and a local partition for each one.
In case one of my qmail-server is down the other will take care about
qmail service without any file-system unlock, just start its NBD service
and reconstructing the RAID 1 locally.

If you want more details about NBD go to:
 - http://www.it.uc3m.es/~ptb/nbd/                         <-- home-page
 - http://lists.community.tummy.com/mailman/listinfo/enbd  <-- mail-list

I think you can use RAID 5 and NBD too in case you lack in local disk controllers.


Adrian Turcu
System Administrator
 Computers Department
 Romanian Railway Company
 Constanta Region
Phone:  +40 92 563791 (any time)
        +40 43 363977 (home)


Just tried to install qmail-mrtg 2.3, and see in the config file:
> * NOTE You must be running MULTILOG inorder to use qmailmrtg.

well, I don't know multilog, and if I could make it work without having
to reinstall all my servers, it would be nice : is there a way to make 
it work with cyclog ? 

The only part which is currently working is qmail-mrtg-queue. For the rest:

omega:/usr/local/src/mail/qmailmrtg.2.3/qmailmrtg # cat /var/log/qmail/\@* | qmailmrtg 

omega:/usr/local/src/mail/qmailmrtg.2.3/qmailmrtg # cat /var/log/qmail/\@* | qmailmrtg 
omega:/usr/local/src/mail/qmailmrtg.2.3/qmailmrtg # cat /var/log/qmail/\@* | qmailmrtg 

omega:/usr/local/src/mail/qmailmrtg.2.3/qmailmrtg # cat /var/log/qmail/\@* | qmailmrtg 

And with "-v", there is even no output at all (was it not supposed to be "verbose" ? :)

(the logs are spreaded in 10 files, which are rotated, and it looks
like that:

979735221.804261 status: local 0/10 remote 0/20
979735221.807171 bounce msg 483498 qp 24486
979735221.807303 end msg 483498
979735221.807613 new msg 483497
979735221.807745 info msg 483497: bytes 1873 from <#@[]> qp 24486 uid 507
979735221.825583 starting delivery 2567: msg 483497 to local [EMAIL PROTECTED]
979735221.825720 status: local 1/10 remote 0/20
979735222.158946 delivery 2567: success: did_1+0+0/
979735222.159162 status: local 0/10 remote 0/20
979735222.159390 end msg 483497
979735511.636177 new msg 483497
979735511.636185 info msg 483497: bytes 1624 from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> qp 25151 uid 505 )

Thanks for any hint :)

 Olivier Mueller - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - PGPkeyID: 0E84D2EA - Switzerland
qmail projects: http://omail.omnis.ch  -  http://webmail.omnis.ch

PGP signature

Sorry it will not. works with multilog output!

----- Original Message -----
From: "Olivier M." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Sean C Truman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "QMail List"
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2001 4:16 PM
Subject: qmail-mrtg 2.3 : will it work with cyclog ?

On Fri, Jan 19, 2001 at 04:34:22PM -0600, Sean C Truman wrote:
> Sorry it will not. works with multilog output!

ok, so now is there a way to convert an accustamp-based log
to an tai64-based log ? 

something like : @4000000037c219bf2ef02e94 -> 979946339.800490 

(I have 3 solutions : find a way to convert the logs, a patch
for the qmailmrtg executable, or upgrade all the systems to
daemontool-0.70, which is quite a big work).

 Olivier Mueller - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - PGPkeyID: 0E84D2EA - Switzerland
qmail projects: http://omail.omnis.ch  -  http://webmail.omnis.ch

* Olivier M. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010119 18:52]:
> On Fri, Jan 19, 2001 at 04:34:22PM -0600, Sean C Truman wrote:
> > Sorry it will not. works with multilog output!
> ok, so now is there a way to convert an accustamp-based log
> to an tai64-based log ? 

Your friend and mine, Bruce Guenter, has just the thing. Check out the
qlogtools package at <http://em.ca/~bruceg/qlogtools/> for tai64n2tai. :-)

Peter Green : Gospel Communications Network, SysAdmin : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux don't need no steenkin' viruses. The users can destroy the
system all by themselves....
(Peter Dalgaard in comp.os.linux.misc)

Dale Herring wrote:

> Does anyone else use the linavx scanning software from AVP?  I did find a
Note: AVX is not AVP ! See http://www.avp.ch/E/avpqa.htm for details.

AVX is from a company I never heard in the past. 

> was it.  Are there any other scanners that will scan mail already
> on the system for these?  Or which one seems to work the best in
> conjunction with Qmail?
You may use AMaViS (www.amavis.org) or qmail-scanner
(qmail-scanner.sourceforge.net) with your preferred anti virus scanner.
Both do not support linavx currently, but, well, I really can't speak
for qmail-scanner :-)

best regards,
Rainer Link

Rainer Link  | Member of Virus Help Munich (www.vhm.haitec.de)           
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Member of AMaViS Development Team (amavis.org)            
rainer.w3.to | OpenAntiVirus Project (www.openantivirus.org)

Rainer Link wrote:
> Dale Herring wrote:
> > Does anyone else use the linavx scanning software from AVP?  I did find a
> Note: AVX is not AVP ! See http://www.avp.ch/E/avpqa.htm for details.
> AVX is from a company I never heard in the past.
> > was it.  Are there any other scanners that will scan mail already
> > on the system for these?  Or which one seems to work the best in
> > conjunction with Qmail?
> You may use AMaViS (www.amavis.org) or qmail-scanner
> (qmail-scanner.sourceforge.net) with your preferred anti virus scanner.
> Both do not support linavx currently, but, well, I really can't speak
> for qmail-scanner :-)
> best regards,
> Rainer Link
> --
> Rainer Link  | Member of Virus Help Munich (www.vhm.haitec.de)
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Member of AMaViS Development Team (amavis.org)
> rainer.w3.to | OpenAntiVirus Project (www.openantivirus.org)

AVX is Anti Virus eXpert comercialized (or made it , I don't know )
by a Romanian software company. They have a Linux version in the download section,
but I never try it.


Adrian Turcu
System Administrator
 Computers Department
 Romanian Railway Company
 Constanta Region
Phone:  +40 92 563791 (any time)
        +40 43 363977 (home)


Can you send me a sample of /etc/rc.d/init.d/qmail ?

My file


# Qmail Startup

# Source function library.
. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions

# See how we were called.
case "$1" in
        echo -n "Starting: "
        env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:/usr/local/bin" \
    /var/qmail/bin/qmail-start ./Maildir/ /usr/local/bin/tai64n \
    | /usr/local/bin/setuidgid qmaill /usr/local/bin/multilog /var/log/qmail
        echo -n "qmail "

        env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:/usr/local/bin" \
        tcpserver -H -R -c100 0 pop-3 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup \
        ns207.ovh.net \
        /home/vpopmail/bin/vchkpw /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir &
        echo -n "pop "

    env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:/usr/local/bin" \
        tcpserver -H -R -x /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -c100 -u503 -g503 0 smtp \
        /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd 2>&1 > /dev/null &
        echo "smtp"
        echo -n "stopping qmail"
        killproc qmail-send
        killproc tcpserver
        $0 stop
        $0 start
        status qmail
        echo "Usage: qmail {start|stop|restart|status}"
        exit 1

exit 0


At this stage the Qmail startup script(s) (e.g. /etc/rc.d/init.d/qmail )
will need to be updated so that Qmail knows to use qmail-scanner-queue.pl
instead of qmail-queue.
echo -n "qmail-smtpd, "
QMAILQUEUE="/var/qmail/bin/qmail-scanner-queue.pl" export QMAILQUEUE

(ulimit -d 5120 -m 2048 && tcpserver -l`hostname -f` -c20 -b30 -P -h -R -t10
 -O -Q -v -x/var/qmail/control/tcprules.cdb \
 -gQMAILDUSER -uQMAILDGROUP 0 25 qmail-smtpd 2>&1) | splogger tcpserver &

How i add it ?
Help me please !

Nicolas DEFFAYET, NDSoftware
http://www.ndsoftware.net - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
France: Tel +33 671887502 - Fax N/A
UK: Tel +44 8453348750 - Fax +44 8453348751
USA: Tel N/A - Fax N/A

I've got concurrencylocal set to 50, and concurrencyremote set to 40.
However, looking at my MRTG graphs created by qmail-mrtg from
prodigysolutions, it would appear something is limiting concurrency to
30. The maximal 5 minute plot (magenta, remote I believe) is almost flat
against 30 for most of the day, and the blue line never goes above it.

Am I missing something, or is qmail-mrtg? Hmmm... it is v 1.0. Maybe
I'll upgrade.


grrr either you have an old syslogd man page or you can't rtfm well!
e.g if you specify 
mail.*          -/var/adm/maillog
you have an unsynced maillog
it will work faster but unreliable for sudden power failures!
next time please post your questions to the list and not to my
personal mailbox, as anyone else might be ever interested and as I'm 
not your consultant :)

> > Unfortunately it's not like they (djb) says in commercials :)
> > Use the - prefix in syslog.conf on mail logging facility and
> > it won't commit sync() after each line appended.
> > 
> > >   Syslogd is death to a medium- to high-volume qmail server.  I've
> > > seen the same thing happen.   Switch to multilog.
> And, after reading man syslog.conf and man syslogd, I'm still not 
> clear on where the - goes.
> Do you have an example of your syslog.conf to show us?

Stefan Laudat
The only thing I feel when I kill is recoil.


while trying to evaluate te qmail logs I have another problem: I want to
evaluate the logs daily. The result I want to have is to catch any mails
that pased the server in the time between the last time I run
qmailanalog and now. How do I know which "@..." log-files to take and
how can I avoid to evaluate an entry twice?

At the moment I am usn it like this

cat /var/log/qmail/* | tai64nfrac | matchup | /path/to/eval/script

what must I change to process any entry just once even during several

thanks in advance



while trying to compile Bruce's qlogtools-package on my FreeBSD-Box I
get the error-message: 

gcc -g -o -multitail
gcc: No input files specified
*** Error code 1

gmake is installed.
any hints?


Am 20.01.2001 um 12:01:10 schrieb Clemens Hermann:


sorry, I used the wrong make but now it does not work anyway:

gmake: *** No rules to make target 'qlogselect', needed by 'all'. Stop.

what is wrong? on my Debian it compiles perfect but not under FreeBSD


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