We got hit by spam bigtime and our server got Very backlogged.
In order to get it alive in some form or another, we moved the mess dir of the 
queue directory to a safe place,(and yes, I now know I should've moved the 
todo/local/remote dirs too) ran queue-fix to tidy up the mess and 
restarted qmail.  So, the backlog of the server being down for hours is 
cleared up and I want to put back the backlogged Email in chunks to it can 
process it without horridly bogging down.
Now, how do I do it?  I had assumed queuefix would've made it all better, but 
it just cleans out files from todo and friends not puts anything back. (back 
to that lesson thing I learned earlier :)
So, I'd like to shove the old mess directory a number at a time back into the 
system and get it processed. There's around 300,000 Email to be processed.
(hence why I want to do it in pieces :)

Thanks in advance!


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