One of my big qmail boxes is not keeping up with the flow of mail:
messages in queue: 98620
messages in queue but not yet preprocessed: 71690

It's a dual PIII with 1GB of RAM.

concurrencylocal is 1024 (usage hardly ever goes above 3)
concurrencyremote is 256 (usage varies from 0 to about a 50 - remote
sites are slow)
smtpd concurrency (tcpserver -c) is 1024, usage 30-40
pop3 concurrency is 1024, usage 20-30

All logging thru multilog.

10:51AM  up 8 days, 20:33, 3 users, load averages: 2.23, 1.84, 1.47
CPU states: 24.9% user,  0.0% nice, 35.8% system,  2.1% interrupt, 37.2% idle

iostat shows heavy traffic on the queue disk (a seperate 9gb scsi

My first idea is that the filesystem is not keeping up, and a bigger
queue-directory split would solve stuff. However, that's kinda hard to
implement now.

So my question is: any tips for increasing performance without
throwing the queue away, or tricks for getting rid of a todo-queue

I am considering recompiling qmail for a bigger queuedir split, and
then applying queue-fix. Any objections or tips, or is this a bad

As an interesting detail, virtual domains are handled through the
alias user and fastforward, and then reinjected into the queue. This
probably makes it worse.

The todo-queue is *slowly* getting smaller (71288 now, compared to 71690
when I started typing), but the complete queue is growing (100121


Greetz, Peter.

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