On Thu, Jan 25, 2001 at 03:26:39PM -0800, John Bowen wrote:
>   Hi,
>   Having a problem, here's my story: I did a clean install of Debian Potato
> Linux on a P100 machine, I did NOT install exim [selected option 5/do not
> configure mail] when doing the install.  I followed the Life With Qmail
> document to the letter, installing qmail 1.03, the daemontools, and
> ucspi-tcp.  I also installed the POP3 module that came with qmail.  The 4
> qmail-XXXX processes are running and locally everything seems to work okay
> [verified with a ps and a qmail-inject to myself from an echo on the command
> line].
>   Now, I can send mail from my machine to other local accounts and external
> domains just fine.  I can check POP3 remotely just fine.  However my big
> problem is that I'm not receiving outside mail sent to my domain.  I
> verified DNS is setup correctly and goes to the correct IP address.  The
> bounce message I'm getting is:
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... Deferred: Connection refused by
> > mail.birthmachine.com.
The tcpserver running qmail-smtpd has not been started, check with
svstat /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-smtpd
if You exactly follow lwq.

You may consider using the not debian compliant var-qmail package I provide:

Regards, Gerrit.

                                                        innominate AG
                                                 the linux architects
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