THX, I do recover it.
I means that:

I build a server support abt 100 virtual domains, with vpopmail of course.
last morning, i add another two virtual domains, and somewhat is wrong,
unfortunately lost
that CDB file, but all users' DIR is there and virtual domain also stand
rebuild the ASCII file $PATHqmail/users/assign
and run $qmailbin/qmail-newu
thx Live With qmail
thx Mark Delany  also

>Lost? You mean someone deleted them or the disk got trashed, right?

yes, i means that rebuild the CDB file

>The usual thing is to get it off of your backup. Does this not work
>for you?

net yet, but will be done from today's on

>If you're asking for a magic way to get a file back that has been
>deleted/trashed and which you have no backup, then you're out of
>luck. This is not a qmail problem though, this is a system management

yep, i am that unfortunately guys

Best Regards Michael Moore

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