Hubbard, David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I occasionally get subscribed to spam ads from big
> companies that don't always honor their unsubscribe
> requests/web page submittals.  I notice that these
> emails often have a return path specified that looks
> like some type of processor on their end that might
> remove my address if it receives a bounce while trying
> to contact me. So, I'd like to use that return path
> address and make the server think it bounced the
> email to me, but how do I do that?

With spam, this is unlikely to help -- the envelope sender address is most
commonly forged to point at (someone else's) legitimate domain.  Sending a
bounce message will just end up going to some poor mail administrator who
is busy dealing with thousands of other people's bounces.

The only way that this might get you off a spammer's list is if your SMTP
server returned a permananent failure code during the initial SMTP
conversation -- and even then it won't help if the message has come through
a relay -- i.e., this will only help with direct-to-MX spamming.

Charles Cazabon                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

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