* Sam Trenholme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Philip Mak writes:

>> Can someone tell me: Should I use qmail or postfix to run this
>> discussion list?

> Oh boy, since this is cross-posted to both the qmail and to the
> Postfix list, this could become a holy war.

Since noone's mentioned s*ndm**l yet, this seems avoidable.

> I myself have never used Postfix, but have used Qmail.  

I've used both and would not mind using one over the other, but...

> My general sense:

> * Qmail apprently has slightly better performance for mailing list
>   stuff, Postfix has slightly more performance for indivudal
>   mailboxes.

ezmlm(-idx) is the best MLM, full stop. All other MLMs pale in
comparison. That's one hell of a good argument if you're looking into an
MTA for mailing lists. ezmlm/qmail running under tcpserver under a
softupdate'd *BSD... well... And since this is x-mailed to the postfix
list, where not everyone might be familiar with this document:

| Mailing list management is one of qmail's strengths. Notable features:
| * qmail lets each user handle his own mailing lists. The delivery
| instructions for user-whatever go into ~user/.qmail-whatever.
| * qmail makes it really easy to set up mailing list owners. If the user
| touches ~user/.qmail-whatever-owner, all bounces will come back to him.
| * qmail supports VERPs, which permit completely reliable automated
| bounce handling for mailing lists of any size.
| * SPEED---qmail blasts through mailing lists an order of magnitude
| faster than sendmail. For example, one message was successfully
| delivered to 150 hosts around the world in just 70 seconds, with qmail's
| out-of-the-box configuration.
| * qmail automatically prevents mailing list loops, even across hosts.
| * qmail allows inconceivably gigantic mailing lists. No random limits.
| * qmail handles aliasing and forwarding with the same simple mechanism.
| For example, Postmaster is controlled by ~alias/.qmail-postmaster. This
| means that cross-host loop detection also applies to aliases.
| * qmail supports the ezmlm mailing list manager, which easily and
| automatically handles bounces, subscription requests, and archives.

I run a few mailing lists (4 of them would definitly count as "high
volume") and where MajorDomo and MailMan were hitting really bad on the
CPU with Sendmail, ezmlm-idx and qmail are hardly noticeable. On a
reasonably fast machine.

> * Postfix is more open-source than Qmail


> * Postfix is easier to configure than Qmail

Highly arguable.

> * Qmail is more flexible than Postfix

Unfortunately, also arguable.

> You will be happy with whatever choice you make.

I'd say that heavily depends on the MLM chosen.

> And oh, I would up your RAM to 128 megs.

... per slot. As per usual.
Robin S. Socha <http://socha.net/>

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