Bill Parker wrote:

>         Has anyone run NAI's anti-virus package via amavis on a system
> which has qmail, vpopmail, tcpserver, as it's MTA and supporting packages.
> I run a Caldera OpenLinux 2.3 box (pent 133 w/32MB, and the ./configure states:
> Sorry, you need to install metamail or reformime
> now, in doing a rpm -q metamail, it shows that metamail (and reformime) are
> not installed on this system, so I suspect I will need to get a rpm or a
> tarball
> and whip it up myself.

So why you do not simply install it? As metamail is not maintained
anymore and is not able to handle multipart/alternative messages, I
strongly recommend to use reformime.

> I'm curious as to how well the amavis package works with NAI Anti-virus
> software.
Well, it works :-) I'm sure our amavis-user mailing list is a better
place for asking such questions.

best regards,
Rainer Link

Rainer Link  | Member of Virus Help Munich (           
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Member of AMaViS Development Team ( | OpenAntiVirus Project (

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