This is news to me. I've got the Red Hat 7 Deluxe Workstation CD's (yes I
paid) and I swear I didn't see qmail on them. If I had a single RPM to
install qmail with, life would have been much easier these past few weeks.

rpm -Uvh qmail-thewholeshebang-1.03-memphis-i386.rpm


The three great virtues of programming are laziness, impatience, and hubris,
but bigotry makes the open-source world go round.
----- Original Message -----
From: Aaron Carr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 05, 2001 1:19 PM
Subject: qmail packaging

> Before I even ask this question, let me say that the intent is not to
> a flame war about packaging, or about Linux distros, or anything else for
> that matter.
> I read an article last week that was a comparison of all of the major
> distros. The usual stuff, installation, features, ease of use.  One of the
> categories was MTA.  It was said in this comparison that Redhat Linux 7
> Deluxe Workstation comes with Sendmail, Qmail, and Postfix.
> I know that Redhat 7 comes with Sendmail installed by default.  Postfix is
> on the Powertools CD.  I see no mention anywhere though about Qmail.
> Has anyone else heard anything about Qmail being packaged with Redhat?  Or
> was this just a typo as I suspect?
> Thanks.
> Aaron

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