Ok,  about 2 months ago i switched IP address on a computer running 
qmail.  Since that time the server has had problems with SMTP being 
sluggish.  To this point i have changed the /etc/resolve.conf and the 
DNS to the correct settings.  When trying to connect to the remote 
box via the telnet command to port 25 it connects within seconds but, 
the banner does not appear for a good 40 seconds.  This has lead to 
problems with outlook timing out when sending messages.  When trying 
to rebuild qmail, ./config reports errors about not being able to 
find the canonical name in DNS.   But it does resolve from all boxes 
including localy.  I have also tryed to use the -F option, but this 
does not seem to be making the problem go away.  Is this a problem 
with BIND or with Qmail or a combination of both?  I have been trying 
to figure this problem out for some time on my own with no luck.  If 
you wish, i can provide more information on the box if needed.  


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