Hello miliser,

Hi, i've problem with qmail problem on pop3 110,
I was compiling qmail-1.03-16.i386.rpm and checkpassword-0.90.tar.gz
on Redhat 6.0
after finishing install I try to send email via telnet localhost 25,
and its wask work very good, but after I check email via telnet I had
0 (zero) email

here is my istall step

$ rpm -ivh qmail-1.03-16.i386.rpm
$ tar -xzvf checkpassword-0.90.tar.gz
$ cd checkpassword-0.90
$ make
$ make setup check
$ cd /etc/skel
$ /var/qmail/bin/maildirmake Maildir

 now I try to split /usr/sbin/sendmail to /var/qmail/bin/sendmail

$ mv /usr/sbin/sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail.bak
$ chmod 0 /usr/sbin/sendmail.bak
Make symbolic lynx

$ ln -s /var/qmail/bin/sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail

now try to fill mydomain at /var/qmail/control
$ pico local   I fill with  ---  > rambutan.linux.com
$ pico locals   I fill with  ---  > rambutan.linux.com
$ pico me   I fill with  ---  > rambutan.linux.com
$ pico defaulthost   I fill with  ---  > rambutan.linux.com
$ pico defaultdomain   I fill with  ---  > rambutan.linux.com
$ pico rcpthost   I fill with  ---  > rambutan.linux.com

now i try to start-qmailat /var/qmail/rc
$pico /var/qmail/rc
qmail-start ./Maildir/ splogger qmail

and I change /etc/inet.conf
#pop3 section (all one line and still using tcp not tcpserver)
pop3  stream   tcp    nowait   root  /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup
qmail-popup mail.rambutan.com        /bin/checkpassword /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d 

#smtp section (all one line and still using tcp not tcpserver)
smtp    stream  tcp     nowait  qmaild  /usr/sbin/tcpd /var/qmail/bin/tcp-env 

now restart inet.conf
$ /etc/rc.d/init.d/inet restart

now I try to telnet localhost 25
(its goodvery good), and try to see at maillog

$ tail -f /var/log/maillog
its good works

and try to telnet localhost 110
the message I was send I didin't receiv,its means I have no email even
one mail
and I try to using eudoramail but I get failed to receive my email

any one can help me? pls, what wrong with my installation

Tks & regards,
The Afif

Sesuatu yg nggak pernah berakhir di hadapan kita 

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