Well the simplest way is to have one machine act as the gateway for all
mail and create alias files to forward the mail onto the second machine. I
used a simple perl script from a flat file to create the .qmail alias's.

Or am I misunderstanding the question.


On Fri, 9 Feb 2001, Tracy R Reed wrote:

> I am not trying to send a bunch of email (aka spam). I am trying to
> receive a bunch of email (aka spam) and let users pop/imap it.  Using the
> perdition (search freshmeat) imap/pop proxy I think I can have multiple
> pop/imap servers with users assigned to each one and pass the user off to
> the correct one according to a dbm/ldap/whatever lookup. Now the problem
> is how do I get email addressed to a particular user onto the correct
> server?  Say I want all email for users with names from a-m to go to
> server1 and m-z to server2? 
> I've searched the archives and can't find anything conclusive.
> I do have a perl script wrapping qmail-queue which does some basic mail
> filtering. I suppose I could alter the envelope "to" address appropriately
> to send it to the correct machine but I am wondering if there is any more
> elegant way to accomplish this.
> --
> Tracy Reed      http://www.ultraviolet.org
> My pid is Inigo Montoya.  You kill -9 my parent process.  Prepare to vi.

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