On Mon, Feb 12, 2001 at 02:54:07PM +0300, Alex Povolotsky wrote:
> Hello!
> Imagine the following situation: there are 2 qmail+vpopmail servers; say,
> mail1 and mail2. user@mail1 have a mailbox and also copies all his mail to
> user@mail2, via some forwarding script. Eventually, user@mail2 goes over
> quota; the  next message forwarded from user@mail1 gets bounced. Imagine
> that user@mail1 is over quota too; than, the bounce will bounce AFTER SOME
> TIME, WITH BRAND NEW MESSAGE. Not recognising that bounce as a bounce, mail2
> will bounce that bounce again. 
> And two servers will pingpong, generating huge amount of traffic (actually,
> this amount is channel-bounded).

That won't happen; user@mail1, if he forwards bounces (which he
shouldn't) will forward the bounce to user@mail2. When that user is
over quota, qmail generates a double bounce that goes directly to the

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