Having problem with an alias containing a command, error message =
permision denied

Need to setup a [EMAIL PROTECTED] alias as


where ldap_query(1) feteches the latest list of all email addresses.
My simple test of

$cat /var/qmail/alias/.qmail-test

where foo(1) is defined as


open(OUT, "> /tmp/foo.out") || die $!;
        print OUT;

Is failing with an error message in /var/log/maillog saying

Feb 13 18:54:21 samba qmail: 982119261.837833 delivery 11917: deferral:

Anyone know how to solve this problem or generally how can I tap into
LDAP for such usage.


Medi Montaseri, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 408-450-7114
Prepass Inc, IT/Operations, Software Eng.

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