Hello to everybody!

I have two problems:

I'm using RedHat 6.2 with qmail-1.03+vpopmail+sqwebmail+courier-imap on an
HP Netserver LH6000 w/ 2xPentium III Xeon 700MHz, 1GB RAM, 2 36GB 10000rpm
scsi-2 hdd in RAID1. I have raised values for /proc/sys/fs/file-max to
16384, /proc/sys/fs/inode-max to 65536 and, with ulimit, max user proc and
max file size to unlimited.
In /etc/rc.d/rc.local I raised tcpserver concurrency limit to 600 (POP and
SMTP), /var/qmail/control/concurrencylocal is set to 40.
Using postal to generate a smtp workload, I have obtained 4500messages/min
(1KB size) as maximum value.
(Postal runs on another machine connected via 10MB/s ethernet switch)
During the tests I have verified, with qmail-qstat, that the number of
messages in the queue grows enough fastly
and that the concurrency-local does not exceed 10/40 (as visible in
During the test the free RAM remains around to 512MB and syslogd doesn't
exceed 50% of cpu load.
Now the question: why concurrency-local doesn't exceed 10/40?

Thinking that it can aid me resolve 10/40 concurrency problem, I've tried to
apply big-todo.patch and big-concurrency.patch but I do not succeed.
make setup check stops because concurrency limit is set greater than 255;
the patch has set concurrency limit in qmail-spawn to 1000.
The steps that I have followed are:
tar xvzf qmail-1.03.tar.gz
cd qmail-1.03
patch -p0 < /tmp/big-todo.patch
make setup check

Where is the mistake?


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