From: "Dr. Georg Bohnert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> there are to error messages in the log files:
> error message1: could not establish smtp connection (#4.4.1)

The error message means what it says: qmail is unable to establish a TCP
connection with the server at the receiving end. Try to telnet to the SMTP
port of the server at the receiving end:

telnet 25

You should see an SMTP greeting from the other server. If you receive some
sort of time out error, and you cannot connect to the receiving server,
there is something "wrong" with the network: check routing & possible
filtering/firewalling of packets. If you can reach port 25 of the receiving
server, read on...

> error message2: could not bind, address already in use?

This leads me to believe that your qmail cannot open the socket on port 25
of your host to start listening on it. See the posts from other listmembers.

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