On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 07:45:51PM +0100, Rembrandt Lensink wrote:
> RNL<.Q_Q.>    Now after a week, atleast One of you autists had the brains to inform 
>me that many of my messages went straight to some Yahoo Newsgroup. No Thank You ! 
>Peter, JIJ had mij als landgenoot, best eens via een directe e-mail mogen 
>waarschuwen.>>> Believe me dear reader of this unfortunate matter, I`m no member , no 
>visitor and I have no ambitions to enter your Group. I feel pretty screwed by your 
>haughty attitude.    End Of Line. <<<

Oh, great, a personal attack in my own language. And I don't even see
what I did wrong.

Translation of the dutch part: 'Peter, YOU as a country-mate, could
have warned me for this in a direct mail!'.

Jeez. As if I know. As if I care.

Rembrandt, get a life. Even moreso, get out of ours.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] is just a couple keypresses away.


Greetz, Peter.

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