On 17-Feb-2001 Jankok, Lucio wrote:
>  the sendmail installation we want to replace has a mailertable of +/- 24 entries
>  which tells the mta where to relay mails for a specific domain.
>  the syntax goes like this;
>  domain.org      mta1.otherdomain.org
>  sub.domain.org  mta2.differentdomain.org


quoting from qmail-control.0:

            Artificial SMTP routes.   Each  route  has  the  form
            domain:relay,  without  any  extra spaces.  If domain
            matches host, qmail-remote will connect to relay,  as
            if  host  had  relay  as  its only MX.  (It will also
            avoid doing any CNAME lookups on  recip.)   host  may
            include  a  colon and a port number to use instead of
            the normal SMTP port, 25:


            relay may be empty; this tells qmail-remote  to  look
            up MX records as usual.  smtproutes may include wild­


            Here any address ending with .af.mil (but not  af.mil
            itself)  is  routed  by  its  MX  records;  any other
            address is artificially routed to heaven.af.mil.

            The qmail system does not protect you if  you  create
            an  artificial  mail loop between machines.  However,
            you are always safe using smtproutes if  you  do  not
            accept mail from the network.

Take care,

How's it supposed to get the respect of management if you've got just
one guy working on the project?  It's much more impressive to have a
battery of programmers slaving away. -- Jeffrey Hobbs (comp.lang.tcl)

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