I have tried going through the qmail archives and have not found this problem anywhere. If it is, please excuse me asking the same question again.


Emails sent from outside servers are being recieved over, and over and over again.


Email sent from outside to our inside qmail server keeps getting resent. The email is delivered to all the recipients but the far server nevers gets confirmation of this. Below is a line taken from an external servers log file.

Feb 1 17:40:15 mail1-lax-abov postfix/smtp[18939]: [ID 197553 mail.info] A23E546204: to=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, relay

=office.ants.com[], delay=6760, status=deferred (conversation with office.ants.com[] timed o

ut while sending end of data -- message may be sent more than once)

The external email server waits an appropriate period of time then attempts to resend the message and experiences the same problem.

This problem occurs with mail sent using mutiple external email servers, from mutiple users. The only common denominator I can find with these email is that all of their reply-to headers are set to internal email addresses.


User1 is at home and sends an e-mail through their private ISPs email server, with the reply to address set to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Process running on an external server uses an external email server to send email, setting the reply-to header to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


We are not having problems with all the email sent this way. In both Case1 and Case2 we have had email sent to the exact same recipients from the exact same account, during the time between the mutiple email failures as described above, with no problems. I have even gone so far to have one user copy and paste the exact same message into a new message and resend it to the exact same users, and the message behaves appropiately.

Hase anyone experienced the above, if so what did you do to fix it, and barring that does anyone have any ideas what could be causing the problem? It just not seem to be consistant.



  ants.com scout

Kep Brown
Systems, Network and Database Administrator
phone: (805) 560-3781
fax: (805) 560-3991



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