In article <001001c09bc6$2f6434a0$[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:
> Hi,
> I am having a tough time migrating to qmail. I  have applied the concurrency
> patch and set the concurrency limit to 250. Inspite of that I do not see the 
> qmail-lspawn forking more than 2 or 3 processes at any given point of time.
> What could be the problem? My local queue is currently at 80000.
> Due to this my users are unable to get mails. However they are able to send out
> mails fine.
> However remote deliveries seem to be going fine and I can see multiple 
> qmail-remote being forked.

Hmmmm, I've only come across this once before and it turned out that
the /var/qmail/queue/lock/trigger pipe was "broken".   It happened when
I tried a cheapo (tar cvf qmail.tar qmail; copy qmail.tar file to diff
server and untarred) install of qmail ;-)

Qmail would work but would only process local deliveries every 30 minutes.

I resolved it by doing a proper "make setup check" install (though
remember to backup your control/* files - it will trash some of them).

Btw, concurrencylocal max is 120


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