Sorry this is long, I felt it was important for me to give all these

We currently have our main mx record for pointing to ( This is our old sendmail server
which is basically a redirect box which forwards messages to ISP
accounts for each user based on the aliases file.

I am now bringing email in house and have a Qmail server named ( For our beta testers I changed
the forwarding address on from the ISP to point to
their new account on It has worked perfectly. This
server is running Qmail 1.03 with Vpopmail, the main domain is, with a virtual domain for and so it will accept mail for those addresses, too. In
preperation for maving our MX records over I have converted the aliases
file from our main email server into .qmail files and placed those in
the appropriate location on the new server. It is forwarding mail
perfectly to the ISP for users who do not yet have real accounts when
email is sent directly to

Here's the question:
I intend to have the MX record for changed from to It seems pretty simple...I
don't think users will notice anything different since this server is
just a redirect box and either server will be able to forward email to
the ISP. Thus, propigation seems like a non-issue. Is there anything
else I should be thinking about in making this change? Is there anything
to test how this transition will happen? I have tried sending mail to
and from it, along with testing the .qmail-files and everything seems
good. I have only been a sys admin for this company one month and this
is a large project that I want to be sure goes smoothly.

Thanks for you time

Matt Simonsen

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