Okay, I've tried to install qmail-filter and thought 
I did everything correctly...   but it's not filtering out 

Here's what I did...

edited Makefile (added -DQMAIL_QUEUE=\"/var/qmail/bin/qmail-queue-old\" ) 
so that I didn't have to install QMAILQUEUE patch

make (looked like it worked ok)

mv qmail-queue qmail-queue-old

created qmail-queue with the following:

 exec /path/to/qmai:-qfilter /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject -n

chmod +x qmail-queue

restarted qmail and qmail-smtpd

Sent test message to myself with .VBS attachment (went through ok)

Ran (in the 'samples' directory) ./deny-filetypes

Sent another message...   Still went through... 

What I am doing wrong???   Please help, thanks!!!


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