qmail Digest 27 Feb 2001 11:00:01 -0000 Issue 1288

Topics (messages 57934 through 57976):

        57934 by: Mark Lane

debugging qmail...
        57935 by: Daniellek
        57937 by: Alex Pennace

        57936 by: fred
        57940 by: Pawel Garbowski

Re: Sending mail to local users
        57938 by: japc.sl.pt

qmail-qfilter question
        57939 by: Andy Meuse

RPM problem w/ Linux 7
        57941 by: Bill Arends

Re: CNAME problem with qmail and djbdns
        57942 by: Marcus Korte

OT help
        57943 by: Virginia Chism

Re: Cannot receive mail from some sites
        57944 by: Saso Dundev

amavis or qmail-scanner ?
        57945 by: Jйrйmy Cluzel

Re: warning: trouble opening remote/4/r
        57946 by: Alex Pennace

Re: Return address for autoresponder
        57947 by: Karl Vogel
        57948 by: Mikko Hдnninen
        57952 by: James R Grinter

qmail+system accounts+virt. dom. POPs
        57949 by: Ben Schumacher

What does this mean.
        57950 by: denis
        57953 by: Peter van Dijk
        57955 by: Keary Suska

Can Qmail send out 2 million mails in 12 hour window?
        57951 by: Brandon Yu
        57954 by: Peter van Dijk
        57956 by: Sean Reifschneider

checkpassword (pop3d) problem
        57957 by: Abu Arqam
        57959 by: Charles Cazabon

relay-ctrl and qmail
        57958 by: Bill Isaacs
        57960 by: Charles Cazabon

Time::HiRes for Qmail-Scanner on RH7 ?
        57961 by: dennis

mailserver buffering
        57962 by: Chrisanthy Carlane
        57967 by: Andy Bradford
        57969 by: Andy Bradford

Starting qmail-scanner and "Life with qmail"
        57963 by: dennis
        57964 by: Brett Randall

        57965 by: Rajesh Arora
        57966 by: Rajesh Arora

        57968 by: Chrisanthy Carlane

Host masquerading
        57970 by: Massimo Quintini

Re: Question: How allowing only certain senders to send mail to
        57971 by: Frank Tegtmeyer

Relay test
        57972 by: Paco Martinez
        57974 by: Michael Fleming
        57975 by: Harald Hanche-Olsen

Undeliverable error
        57973 by: Ami Shamril

        57976 by: qmailu


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It is included in mua's like netscape communicator, outlook and outlook

----- Original Message -----
From: "Massimo Quintini" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Mark Lane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 26, 2001 1:02 AM

> I have an IMAPD Server (WU-IMAPD) on QMAIL.
> I must establish a secure (with SSL) connection between MUAs (Netscape
> Messenger) and QMAIL via IMAP protocol
> I must install SSL code server-side!!!!
> The very important question for me is: is SSL code included in netscape
> messenger ?? or I must install SSL code client-side????
> thanks.
> ==========================================================
> = Massimo Quintini                                       =
> = Osservatorio Astronomico Collurania Teramo (O.A.C.T.)  =
> = Via Mentore Maggini s.n.c.                             =
> = 64100 - TERAMO - (Italy)                               =
> = Telefono: 39-0861.210490                               =
> = Fax: 39-0861.210492                                    =
> = http://www.te.astro.it                                 =
> ==========================================================

I'm writing a patch for qmail, and have some problems...

I've tried to do some debugging (using gdb), but though i compile with "-g"
flag (set in conf-cc and conf-ld) gdb still says:

(gdb) file qmail-remote
Reading symbols from qmail-remote...(no debugging symbols found)...done.

Do you know why is that happening to me? ;)
Any hints?

PS. Small test program which i wrote (few lines) compiles with debugging and
gdb works on him...

Daniel Fenert            --==> [EMAIL PROTECTED] <==--
====-P o w e r e d--b y--S l a c k w a r e-===-ICQ #37739641-====
"Caution: Cape does not enable user to fly."
              (Batman Costume warning label)
======- http://daniellek.linux.krakow.pl/ -======< +48604628083 >

On Mon, Feb 26, 2001 at 01:13:34PM +0100, Daniellek wrote:
> I'm writing a patch for qmail, and have some problems...
> I've tried to do some debugging (using gdb), but though i compile with "-g"
> flag (set in conf-cc and conf-ld) gdb still says:
> (gdb) file qmail-remote
> Reading symbols from qmail-remote...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
> Do you know why is that happening to me? ;)

Take out -s in conf-ld

Hello I want to secure against spam my mail server. I found the 
"tarpit+relaymailfrom.patch" but I don't know what I have to do with this 

What is the procedure to use "tarpit+relaymailfrom.patch".

Thanks for your help.

* fred <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010226 11:44] wrote:
> Hello I want to secure against spam my mail server. I found the 
> "tarpit+relaymailfrom.patch" but I don't know what I have to do with this 
> file.
> What is the procedure to use "tarpit+relaymailfrom.patch".

ex (for freebsd):

cd /usr/ports/mail/qmail/
make patch
cd work/qmail-1.03
patch -p0 < /path/to/trapit+relaymailfrom.patch
make && make install

you have patch orginal sources with this file using 'patch' command...
that's all

then put into /var/qmail/controls/relaymailfrom file 
@domain.tld or [EMAIL PROTECTED] (allow relay)


pawel garbowski

Are /usr/sbin/sendmail and /usr/lib/sendmail symlinks to /var/qmail/bin/sendmail ?

Try the envnoathost control file.

On Sun, Feb 25, 2001 at 04:06:36PM -0800, Chris Campbell wrote:
> Hmm.  This doesn't seem to be the root of the issue.  When I type 'mail
> chris' at the command line to write myself a message, qmail does the
> same thing as when I try to mail root:  It attempts to send it to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]  This has nothing to do with aliases.  What I
> would expect is that sending mail like this to users with no host name
> specified, qmail should attempt to deliver to said user locally, if
> possible.  Is there a way to make this happen?
> Thanks,
> --Chris

Jose AP Celestino  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  || SAPO / PT Multimedia
Administração de Sistemas / Operações || http://www.sapo.pt

        So, I have qmail-qfilter running using the deny-filetypes script included
in the package. I set it up as per the README, in the smtp rules files.

       A.B.C.D:allow,RELAYCLIENT="",QMAILQUEUE="/usr/local/bin/(script that
calls deny-filetypes"

        The problem is that it denies files from being sent BY my users, but it
doesn't deny incoming files from the world TO my users. The relaying rules
aren't being invoked I suppose.

        Any ideas on how I can use qmail-qfilter to screen incoming attachments
another way, or how to change my relaying setup to grab them?


I am trying to install qmail on a fresh RH 7 system.  I have followed (I
think) the instructions at qmail.org (INSTRUCTIONS.var-qmail) but I can't
get past "rpm --rebuild qmail-1.03-102memphis.src.rpm".  It implies a syntax
error because all I get is the rpm help dialog.

I have check the requirements according to the instructions:

        1. installed libraries:

        2. installed make

        3. downloaded and untarred "var-qmail-1.03-2-gnu-linux-i686.tar.gz" to a
temporary directory

I have a somewhat limited background so there is something obvious I'm not
seeing.  Can anyone help me or direct me to a set of more complete

Thanks in advance for any help,



>>I have setup a qmail server with the patched dns.c file (PACKETSZ
>>to 65536).
>>You shouldn't do that if you're using dnscache.

I have tested the dnscache now with and without the patched dns.c in
It doesn't matter. The same result: CNAME_lookup...

>>Also a local dnscache based on djbdns-1.05 is setup according to the FAQs.
>>Normal lookups are working fine, but qmail together with dnscache running
>>connecting to the localhost as server ( in resolv.conf) I got the
>>following messages in the qmail/current log for any mail message. 
>>2001-02-22 17:19:07.687368500 status: local 0/10 remote 2/20
>>2001-02-22 17:19:07.690907500 delivery 3: deferral:
>>For what domain? Were you able to look up that domain via dnscache on
>>the same system at the same time?

The mail should be sent to a @gmx.net account. nslookup querying the local
cache worked for www.gmx.net and also the dnsmx-lookup for this domain.
It seems that there are no problems with the queries itself, but with qmail
doing the queries.

Any ideas?
What should I check?

Best regards,

Sent through GMX FreeMail - http://www.gmx.net

Can anyone direct me to a list like this for FrontPage?

Hi everybody!!!
There is a further development on the case with the strange
(at least for me) behaviour of some smtp servers ( for 
example usa.net servers) not being able to send mail to my 
poor qmail1.03 server.
I made an account on usa.net send my self a letter and 
finnaly it bounced back. It is amazing but they use qmail 
Here is the bounced message:::

usa.net bounced message start!!!!---------------------------

Hi. This is the qmail-send program at 
I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the 
following addresses.
This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't 
work out.

Connected to but connection died. Possible 
I'm not going to try again; this message has been in the 
queue too long.

--- Below this line is a copy of the message.

Received: (qmail 9584 invoked by uid 60001); 23 Feb 2001 
10:00:33 -0000
Received: from by nwcst322 for 
[] via
web-mailer(34FM.0700.15B.01) on Fri Feb 23 10:00:33 GMT 2001
Date: 23 Feb 2001 03:00:33 MST
From: Sasun Pundev [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Alexander Georgiev" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [eeee]
X-Mailer: USANET web-mailer (34FM.0700.15B.01)
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

"Alexander Georgiev" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 --------------------------------------------- =

 Attachment:=A0 =

 MIME Type:=A0multipart/alternative =

 --------------------------------------------- =


Get free email and a permanent address at 
usa.net bounced message end!!!!-----------------------------

Where is the long expected guru that is to solve this 

----- Оригинално писмо ------
От: Saso Dundev [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Относно: Re: Re: Cannot receive mail from some sites
Изпратено на: 25.02.2001 13:13:27
Thank you very much Charles!
I did post a log from the failed session made with 
recordio. One can see that the remote site seize 
transmition after issuing: "DATA?" and my site responds 
with:"354 go ahead?". My site does not receive anything 
else and qmail-smtp timeouts. For example see session with 
pid 2826. I am posting the session log as attachment as 
well, because my web based client eats the "" signs.
If the problems is in the remote site violeting the "rn",
what can I do. Is there a fix????

session log start:----------------
Feb 22 23:49:53 gw smtpd: 982878593.400905 tcpserver: pid 
2826 from
Feb 22 23:50:19 gw smtpd: 982878619.435991 tcpserver: ok 
2826 eurorisksystems.com: 
Feb 22 23:50:19 gw smtpd: 982878619.454757 2826  220 
ms.eurorisksystems.com ESMTP? 
Feb 22 23:50:22 gw smtpd: 982878622.354098 2826  EHLO 
Feb 22 23:50:22 gw smtpd: 982878622.358529 2826  250-
Feb 22 23:50:22 gw smtpd: 982878622.361590 2826  250-
Feb 22 23:50:22 gw smtpd: 982878622.364295 2826  250 
Feb 22 23:50:23 gw smtpd: 982878623.783361 2826  MAIL 
Feb 22 23:50:23 gw smtpd: 982878623.787308 2826  250 ok? 
Feb 22 23:50:25 gw smtpd: 982878625.563224 2826  RCPT 
Feb 22 23:50:25 gw smtpd: 982878625.568568 2826  250 ok? 
Feb 22 23:50:27 gw smtpd: 982878627.139794 2826  DATA? 
Feb 22 23:50:27 gw smtpd: 982878627.153254 2826  354 go 
Feb 22 23:54:10 gw smtpd: 982878850.895510 2818  451 
timeout (#4.4.2)? 
Feb 22 23:54:10 gw smtpd: 982878850.898664 2818  [EOF]
Feb 22 23:54:10 gw smtpd: 982878850.909532 tcpserver: end 
2818 status 256
Feb 22 23:54:10 gw smtpd: 982878850.914715 tcpserver: 
status: 2/40
Feb 22 23:57:12 gw smtpd: 982879032.075360 tcpserver: 
status: 3/40
Feb 22 23:57:12 gw smtpd: 982879032.080109 tcpserver: pid 
2831 from
Feb 22 23:57:14 gw smtpd: 982879034.501498 tcpserver: ok 
2831 eurorisksystems.com: vwmail-
Feb 22 23:57:14 gw smtpd: 982879034.519838 2831  220 
ms.eurorisksystems.com ESMTP? 
Feb 22 23:57:15 gw smtpd: 982879035.885164 2831  EHLO 
Feb 22 23:57:15 gw smtpd: 982879035.888215 2831  250-
Feb 22 23:57:15 gw smtpd: 982879035.890929 2831  250-
Feb 22 23:57:15 gw smtpd: 982879035.893633 2831  250 
Feb 22 23:57:27 gw smtpd: 982879047.679537 2831  MAIL 
Feb 22 23:57:27 gw smtpd: 982879047.683208 2831  250 ok? 
Feb 22 23:57:28 gw smtpd: 982879048.914208 2831  RCPT 
Feb 22 23:57:28 gw smtpd: 982879048.917883 2831  250 ok? 
Feb 22 23:57:30 gw smtpd: 982879050.464026 2831  DATA? 
Feb 22 23:57:30 gw smtpd: 982879050.475434 2831  354 go 
Feb 23 00:01:02 gw smtpd: 982879262.959661 tcpserver: 
status: 4/40
Feb 23 00:01:02 gw smtpd: 982879262.964829 tcpserver: pid 
2845 from
Feb 23 00:01:28 gw smtpd: 982879288.995972 tcpserver: ok 
2845 eurorisksystems.com: 
Feb 23 00:01:29 gw smtpd: 982879289.015136 2845  220 
ms.eurorisksystems.com ESMTP? 
Feb 23 00:01:30 gw smtpd: 982879290.037731 2845  EHLO 
Feb 23 00:01:30 gw smtpd: 982879290.040721 2845  250-
Feb 23 00:01:30 gw smtpd: 982879290.043457 2845  250-
Feb 23 00:01:30 gw smtpd: 982879290.046194 2845  250 
Feb 23 00:01:31 gw smtpd: 982879291.457610 2845  MAIL 
Feb 23 00:01:31 gw smtpd: 982879291.461524 2845  250 ok? 
Feb 23 00:01:33 gw smtpd: 982879293.127466 2845  RCPT 
Feb 23 00:01:33 gw smtpd: 982879293.131349 2845  250 ok? 
Feb 23 00:01:34 gw smtpd: 982879294.897281 2845  DATA? 
Feb 23 00:01:34 gw smtpd: 982879294.909681 2845  354 go 
Feb 23 00:02:25 gw smtpd: 982879345.847132 2823  451 
timeout (#4.4.2)? 
Feb 23 00:02:25 gw smtpd: 982879345.859363 2823  [EOF]
Feb 23 00:02:25 gw smtpd: 982879345.862978 tcpserver: end 
2823 status 256
Feb 23 00:02:25 gw smtpd: 982879345.865111 tcpserver: 
status: 3/40
Feb 23 00:08:26 gw smtpd: 982879706.896561 tcpserver: 
status: 4/40
Feb 23 00:08:26 gw smtpd: 982879706.900966 tcpserver: pid 
2848 from
Feb 23 00:08:53 gw smtpd: 982879733.705930 tcpserver: ok 
2848 eurorisksystems.com: 
Feb 23 00:08:53 gw smtpd: 982879733.725160 2848  220 
ms.eurorisksystems.com ESMTP? 
Feb 23 00:08:57 gw smtpd: 982879737.562845 2848  EHLO 
Feb 23 00:08:57 gw smtpd: 982879737.566764 2848  250-
Feb 23 00:08:57 gw smtpd: 982879737.569507 2848  250-
Feb 23 00:08:57 gw smtpd: 982879737.572209 2848  250 
Feb 23 00:08:59 gw smtpd: 982879739.230800 2848  MAIL 
Feb 23 00:08:59 gw smtpd: 982879739.233885 2848  250 ok? 
Feb 23 00:09:00 gw smtpd: 982879740.906551 2848  RCPT 
Feb 23 00:09:00 gw smtpd: 982879740.910252 2848  250 ok? 
Feb 23 00:09:02 gw smtpd: 982879742.787501 2848  DATA? 
Feb 23 00:09:02 gw smtpd: 982879742.799031 2848  354 go 
Feb 23 00:10:27 gw smtpd: 982879827.147181 2826  451 
timeout (#4.4.2)? 
Feb 23 00:10:27 gw smtpd: 982879827.156967 2826  [EOF]
Feb 23 00:10:27 gw smtpd: 982879827.162034 tcpserver: end 
2826 status 256
session log end:----------------

----- Original letter------
От: Charles Cazabon [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Относно: Re: Cannot receive mail from some sites
Изпратено на: 23.02.2001 18:40:46
Saso Dundev [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I can receive mail from almost all sites in the net ( 
for example yahoo.com),
 but there are few that cannot send mail to me ( for 
example the usa.net
 servers). They establish a connection but seize data 
transmition and qmail

This could be an issue with SMTP line endings -- the 
particular remote sites
which are having problems sending to you may be violating 
the spec by
not sending rn, particularly at the end of the DATA phase.

Use recordio with qmail-smtpd to record an example of the 
faulty session.
If the resulting log doesn't mean anything to you, post it 
See djb's site and www.qmail.org for info on how to set up 
and use recordio.

Charles Cazabon                            
GPL'ed software available at:  
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.


http://my.gbg.bg - Направи си свой собствен Гювеч - новини, спорт, музика, времето, 
http://kartichki.abv.bg/ - Изпрати картичка за Баба Марта :)


I was using Red Hat 6.2, and qmail as Mta.
My goal is to take virus aware from my mail server, so, what's the 
best choice ?

1) as virus-scanner ? amavis or qmail-scanner ? both seem to work 

2) as antivirus ? H+BEDV AntiVir, AVP, Sophos Sweep,or McAfee 
ViruScan ? I used avp for a while (and I find it very efficient), but 
doesn't know the other ones...

thanks in advance...


Jeremy Cluzel

Votre email partout et gratuit ! http://www.alinto.com

On Mon, Feb 26, 2001 at 05:11:56PM +0800, flint wrote:
> Dear Alex Pennace
> >In that case, send SIGTERM to the qmail-send process.
> I have tried to do so. But can you tell me where I can find PID of qmail-send 

Use ps.

>> On Fri, 23 Feb 2001 14:44:08 +0100, 
>> Leander Berwers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

L> I am writing an auto-responder in Perl. I have been looking for the ones
L> publicly available, but I was wondering to what address I have to
L> respond to, namely: Do you need to look for Reply-To: first and if that
L> header is unavailable look for From:?

   If I'm reading the RFCs correctly, the right order is "Reply-to:", then
   "From:", then "Sender:".

Karl Vogel                <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
ASC/YCOA, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433, USA
5 days a week my body is a temple.  The other two, it's an amusement park.
                                                --bumper sticker

Karl Vogel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Sun, 25 Feb 2001:
>    If I'm reading the RFCs correctly, the right order is "Reply-to:", then
>    "From:", then "Sender:".

How about using the envelope sender (ie. return-path)?

I missed the original message, so maybe this isn't really applicable,
but in general you should take mailing lists into account.  On most
mailing lists, including this one, the right return address is not
found in any of those headers.

Of course, one should try to avoid sending auto-replies to list emails
at all, but chances are you'll never be able to detect with 100%
accuracy all list emails, so should count on it happening sometime.

// Mikko Hänninen, aka. Wizzu  // [EMAIL PROTECTED] // http://www.wizzu.com/
// The Corrs list maintainer  //  net.freak    //  DALnet IRC operator/
// Interests: roleplaying, Linux, the Net, fantasy & scifi, the Corrs/
"Talk is cheap -- supply exceeds demand"

Mikko Hдnninen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Of course, one should try to avoid sending auto-replies to list emails
> at all, but chances are you'll never be able to detect with 100%
> accuracy all list emails, so should count on it happening sometime.

My first rule would be never ever send one if you're not in the To
(and possibly Cc - but that's debtable) headers.

That's a method that doesn't have 100% coverage, as some of the
daily-mailings from less-wise operations like Flonetwork (who send the
techweb.com daily mailing) tend to have your address in the To: header
(and they don't put any Precedence headers, or anything that might
give you a clue).

But it's a good start.


Let me just get straight to what I'm trying to do and see if somebody can
help me figure out how to do it.  I'm setuping up a server to do virtual
domain and email hosting for customers.  I'm assuming that 90% of the
customers using my system will want to do just POP3 email for their
domains, however, I want to make it possible for the other 10% to use a
shell account to access their email.  Rather than make this a necessarily
either or situation, I want to make it so that if they have POP3 email
accounts, their mail will be default be delivered to those, but everything
else will go into their standard system account.

Because I want to make this system compatible with Pine, elm, etc, I would
prefer to use the old mailbox format for the system accounts, but use
Maildir, or MAilbox, for the POP3 accounts.  So here's what I need.  I
want to find a way to using a simple POP3 daemon, that can handle both
Mailbox and Maildir formats, and will look to a customers system
(/var/mail) box if their username in the POP3 protocol is just a username,
or in their virtual POP3 box if their username is '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.

I realize this is probably a horribly complicated system, but I think it
would help my service appeal to both the power (shell & POP3 --
like me) user, and more standard (POP3-only) users.

Any ideas on how to set this up would be greatly appreciated.



I have been getting this message in my logfile:

qmail: [numbers] alert: unable to append to bounce message HELP!

qmail seems to be doing this every 10 seconds or so.

Any advice or pointers to the right direction for information will be

On Mon, Feb 26, 2001 at 02:44:44PM -0800, denis wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been getting this message in my logfile:
> qmail: [numbers] alert: unable to append to bounce message HELP!
> sleeping...
> qmail seems to be doing this every 10 seconds or so.
> Any advice or pointers to the right direction for information will be
> apreachiated

Is, perhaps, your queue disk full?

(df /var/qmail/queue should tell you this)

Greetz, Peter.

May be a number of things. How much space do you have left in your /var
partition (if that is where qmail is installed)? I would check there first,
then look into any possible permissions issues.


> From: denis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2001 14:44:44 -0800
> Subject: What does this mean.
> Hi,
> I have been getting this message in my logfile:
> qmail: [numbers] alert: unable to append to bounce message HELP!
> sleeping...
> qmail seems to be doing this every 10 seconds or so.
> Any advice or pointers to the right direction for information will be
> apreachiated

I have been given the task to send out 2 million emails in a 12 hour time window. All the emails will be sent remotely, to a list of users of which is 90% accurate (I figure 10% of the emails will bounceback because of bad email addresses) I have all the bandwidth I need (servers are located in co-location) and will be sorting the email list by domain name.
My initial idea is to have 2 dedicated qmail servers, ( Redhat Linux 6.2, Pentium 600, 500Megs RAM, IDE drives) configured with a concurrency limit of 400. Other than that, the qmail install will be out of the box.
Can I reasonably meet this rate ? Do you have any suggestions?
Thanks in advance

On Mon, Feb 26, 2001 at 04:28:43PM -0800, Brandon Yu wrote:
> I have been given the task to send out 2 million emails in a 12 hour time
> window. All the emails will be sent remotely, to a list of users of which is
> 90% accurate (I figure 10% of the emails will bounceback because of bad
> email addresses) I have all the bandwidth I need (servers are located in
> co-location) and will be sorting the email list by domain name.
> My initial idea is to have 2 dedicated qmail servers, ( Redhat Linux 6.2,
> Pentium 600, 500Megs RAM, IDE drives) configured with a concurrency limit of
> 400. Other than that, the qmail install will be out of the box.
> Can I reasonably meet this rate ? Do you have any suggestions?

A higher concurrency *may* be beneficial. It's not gonna hurt, anyway.

I'm assuming you are using ezmlm or something similar for this.
Anything else would be suicide.

Greetz, Peter.

On Mon, Feb 26, 2001 at 04:28:43PM -0800, Brandon Yu wrote:
>Can I reasonably meet this rate ? Do you have any suggestions?

It largely depends on the actual number of bounces and where the remote
machines are (if you're sending to a lot of international addresses,
for example).  2 million recipients in 12 hours means that (based on
my experience) you'll be running at peak capacity of two high-end
machines.  If you *HAVE* to hit the 12-hour window, I'd recommend
you look at a third machine or possibly thinking about ways to take
advantage of some tricks to get a bit better performance.

 Program *INTO* a language, not *IN* it.
                 -- David Gries
Sean Reifschneider, Inimitably Superfluous <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
tummy.com - Linux Consulting since 1995. Qmail, KRUD, Firewalls, Python


I using qmail-1.03 and I compiled checkpassword-0.90 and vpopmail-4.9.8-1.
But it will not work with qmail-pop3d.

my boot script :

exec tcpserver -R -H  0 110 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup \
     $HOST $CHKPASS $COMMAND Maildir & 

I make a telnet to my localhost to port 110, and the qmail respond me.....
I put the user name : arqam , and the passwd : password
But I get some error "ERR this user has no $HOME/Maildir".  What's wrong?

telnet 110
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
+OK <17257.983161225@/home/vpopmail/bin/vchkpw>
pass password
-ERR this user has no $HOME/Maildir
Connection closed by foreign host.


|  Abu Arqam |

Abu Arqam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I using qmail-1.03 and I compiled checkpassword-0.90 and vpopmail-4.9.8-1.
> But I get some error "ERR this user has no $HOME/Maildir".  What's wrong?

The user has no $HOME/Maildir/.  Seriously -- the error message tells you
exactly what's wrong.  However, it does make the following assumptions:

-you know what a Maildir is
-since you've chosen to use qmail-pop3d, which only supports Maildirs,
  it assumes you've properly created Maildirs for your users

So, did you create a Maildir for the user?  Is it located in their home
directory, and named "Maildir"?  Does the user own their home directory and
the Maildir?

Charles Cazabon                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:  http://www.qcc.sk.ca/~charlesc/software/
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

After installing this package, I found that I could not login to check my 
email (ERR: authorization failed).  I had to uncomment the pop-3 and smtp 
lines in inetd.conf to be able to connect to the server at all (these had 
been commented out during by the installation routine).

I am trying to use this package so that I can relay from my home workstation 
in California with a dynamic IP address.

Any advice?


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Bill Isaacs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> After installing this package, I found that I could not login to check my 
> email (ERR: authorization failed).  I had to uncomment the pop-3 and smtp 
> lines in inetd.conf to be able to connect to the server at all (these had 
> been commented out during by the installation routine).

relay-ctrl relies on tcpserver.  You can't run it out of inetd.  Change your
pop3 configuration to use tcpserver as documented.

> I am trying to use this package so that I can relay from my home workstation 
> in California with a dynamic IP address.
> Any advice?

Send your mail through your ISP's smarthost -- that's what they're for.
relay-ctrl is not needed for most situations, and this appears to be one
of them.

Charles Cazabon                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:  http://www.qcc.sk.ca/~charlesc/software/
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

Hi all...

Has anyone installed "Time::HiRes" for Qmail-Scanner
(http://qmail-scanner.sourceforge.net/) on Redhat7.0 ? I'm finding that if I
try and install the modual as an rpm it wants an older version of perl. If
manually install "Time::HiRes" the ./configure can't find the modual

Any suggestions ?


Hi everyone,

I'm administering a service provider mail server. Some companies that are
using our company Internet service also asks about mail buffering for their
own mail server, so :
1. in case their mail server is down, all their emails go to my mail server.
2. every email that goes to their address go first to my mail server and
they periodically download it.

What I want to ask is: HOW to create that buffering thing ? Do I have to add
every user for every domain(which will be a lot of user)?
I'm using Qmail with Vpopmail.



Thus said "Chrisanthy Carlane" on Tue, 27 Feb 2001 13:13:52 +0700:

> What I want to ask is: HOW to create that buffering thing ? Do I have to add
> every user for every domain(which will be a lot of user)?

With a standard qmail install it's as simple as:

Add their domain to /var/qmail/control/rcpthosts

They must produce an appropriate MX record in their DNS information 
which points to your mail server.

I don't know what addition complexities vpopmail might add, but I 
suspect this should still work.

[-----------[system uptime]--------------------------------------------]
 11:17pm  up 12 days, 23:19,  6 users,  load average: 1.01, 1.11, 1.21

Thus said "Chrisanthy Carlane" on Tue, 27 Feb 2001 13:44:14 +0700:

> > They must produce an appropriate MX record in their DNS information
> > which points to your mail server.
> OK, and when their emails go to my server, where do they go(what directory,
> do I have to make a directory for their domain?
> and what about the users?

Not necessary.  They will be queued up in qmail's mail queue until they 
can be delivered to their mail server (or until the message has been in your 
queue too long and the message bounces).  Simple really.

[-----------[system uptime]--------------------------------------------]
 12:08am  up 13 days, 10 min,  6 users,  load average: 1.06, 1.20, 1.23

Hi all...

I've worked out all the little problems I was having with qmail-scanner,
thanks to who helped.
I have one last question...
I'd like to start qmail-scanner safely as per "life with qmail"
"Life with qmail" starts qmail with /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-smtp/run

QMAILDUID=`id -u qmaild`
NOFILESGID=`id -g qmaild`
MAXSMTPD=`cat /var/qmail/control/concurrencyincoming`
exec /usr/local/bin/softlimit -m 6000000 \
    /usr/local/bin/tcpserver -v -p -x /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -c "$MAXSMTPD" \
        -u "$QMAILDUID" -g "$NOFILESGID" 0 smtp /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd

Anyone have any suggestions on where/how I can start qmail-scanner with the
above script ?


On Tue, 27 Feb 2001, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi all...
> I've worked out all the little problems I was having with
> qmail-scanner, thanks to who helped.  I have one last question...
> I'd like to start qmail-scanner safely as per "life with qmail"
> "Life with qmail" starts qmail with
> /var/qmail/supervise/qmail-smtp/run

If you have installed the QMAILQUEUE patch that qmail-scanner
requires, and followed all its installation instructions, then just
add the line to the following file before tcpserver is called:

QMAILQUEUE="/var/qmail/bin/qmail-scanner-queue.pl" export QMAILQUEUE

"Windows 95 /n./ 32 bit extensions and a graphical shell for a 16 bit
patch to an 8 bit operating system originally coded for a 4 bit
microprocessor, written by a 2 bit company that can't stand 1 bit of



What's fastforward do?
I've read its documentation but still don't understand. :)
It says that it handles qmail forwarding, and can create forwarding database
based on virtual-domain tables.

Does it also handle the buffering for virtual-domain? no need to add user?



My QMAIL host is "hostname.te.astro.it"

The recipient of msg send by [EMAIL PROTECTED] MUST SEE the
msg send by [EMAIL PROTECTED] (without "hostname").

I have filled /control/defaulthost with "te.astro.it" but don't


= Massimo Quintini                                       =
= Osservatorio Astronomico Collurania Teramo (O.A.C.T.)  =
= Via Mentore Maggini s.n.c.                             =
= 64100 - TERAMO - (Italy)                               =
= Telefono: 39-0861.210490                               =
= Fax: 39-0861.210492                                    =
= http://www.te.astro.it                                 =

> on my last posting, nobody has a answer for me.

I told you an applicable and working solution. Don't say that you got no 
answer from this list. Maybe nobody will have the wish to help you in the 
future then.


Hi all !!!!
I have put Qmail in my PC and I'd like to know how to avoid my PC from spammers.
Imagine that IP address is
and I have obtained this message:
Relay test 8
>>> RSET
<<< 250 flushed
>>> MAIL FROM:<spamtest@[]>
<<< 250 ok
<<< 553 sorry, that domain isn't in my list of allowed rcpthosts (#5.7.1)
Relay test 9
>>> RSET
<<< 250 flushed
>>> MAIL FROM:<spamtest@[]>
<<< 250 ok
>>> RCPT TO:<"relaytest%abuse.net">
<<< 250 ok

Relay test result

Hmmn, at first glance, host appeared to accept a message for relay.



As you see "Test 9" shows that my PC has a security hole !!!!

How can I avoid PC from that unsecurity case ???


Thank you very much !!!

Hash: SHA1

On Tue, Feb 27, 2001 at 10:37:28AM +0100, Paco Martinez waffled thusly:
> Hi all !!!!
> I have put Qmail in my PC and I'd like to know how to avoid my PC from spammers.
> Imagine that IP address is

Are you sure it's checking _your_ That's also the IP of my
(LAN) host ;-) (cf. http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc1918.txt)

> I have checked PC using URL: 
> and I have obtained this message:

> Relay test 9
> >>> RSET
> <<< 250 flushed
> >>> MAIL FROM:<spamtest@[]>
> <<< 250 ok
> >>> RCPT TO:<"relaytest%abuse.net">
> <<< 250 ok
> Relay test result
> Hmmn, at first glance, host appeared to accept a message for relay. 

> As you see "Test 9" shows that my PC has a security hole !!!!

Actually, it won't relay - it's trying the percent-hack relay check, so
unless you have an entry mentioning abuse.net in
/var/qmail/control/percenthack - or no percenthack file at all it'll
silently drop the mail in question.

The abuse.net tester only checks the SMTP response code, not for actual
delivery of mail back to the stated address.

> How can I avoid PC from that unsecurity case ???

Ignore the well-intentioned but false warning, you're not an open relay
(unless you've failed another test of theirs)

> Thank you very much !!!


Michael Fleming.

- -- 
- -------       Michael Fleming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -=(UDIC)=- ---
GPG: 0x908E1EB6 PGP: 0xOEF8E582 ETLA: Too many FAQ: Read 'em
ICQ: 9150031 WWW: http://www.zip.com.au/~mfleming/

"There are some micro-organisms that exhibit characteristics of both plants
and animals.  When exposed to light they undergo photosynthesis; and when
the lights go out, they turn into animals.  But then again, don't we all?"
Version: GnuPG v1.0.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Email <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> for keys


+ "Paco Martinez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

| Relay test 9
| >>> RSET
| <<< 250 flushed
| >>> MAIL FROM:<spamtest@[]>
| <<< 250 ok
| >>> RCPT TO:<"relaytest%abuse.net">
| <<< 250 ok
| Relay test result
| Hmmn, at first glance, host appeared to accept a message for relay. 

It does not.  That address has only a local part, and will be treated
as local on your machine.  Unless you have enabled percenthack, or
have set envnoathost to a remote domain, the message will not be
relayed (check the qmail-send man page).  Most likely it will bounce

- Harald

Hi all,
Certain of my users sometime got this error message while trying to send
email to remote site. My server is RH6.2 & qmail 1.03.
My users use Microsoft Outlook.
Please advise.
TQ in advance.

-----Original Message-----
From:   System Administrator
Sent:   Tuesday, February 27, 2001 5:34 PM
To:     'Username'
Subject:        Undeliverable: Test

Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.

      Subject:  Test
      Sent:     2/27/01 5:34 PM

The following recipient(s) could not be reached:

      'Username' on 2/27/01 5:34 PM
            No transport provider was available for delivery to this

I receive a bounce back msg if I have set autoresponder for any user. The msg says

This message is looping: it already has my Delivered-To line.

I also receive the set autoresponder msg alongwith the bounce msg.How do I stop this bounce back msg from coming ?

I use autorespond-1.0.0


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