The LWQ description of setting up pop3 for qmail only
says to put the tcpserver command in the qmail startup file.

Shouldn't this "service" be supervised by svscan?  Why do the other qmail
processes get this, but pop3 does not?

Also, I am moving towards eliminating inetd, and have set up in.telnetd to
be run by tcpserver in a line in rc.local (RH Linux 6.2 here).  In the
inetd.conf file, it runs in.telnetd via /usr/sbin/tcpd.  In the man page
is says that tcps does some logging and other stuff, but I see no signs of
it.  When I try to use tcpserver->tcpd->in.telnetd, it doesn't
work.  Remove tcpd and all is fine.  Should I be happy discarding tcpd?

Also, since my inetd.conf file is now *empty*, can I disable it
altogether, or or will I lose essential internal services?  Is there a kit
for making tcpserver mimic all the inetd services?


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