On Wed, Feb 28, 2001 at 04:04:57PM -0700, Stewart Vardaman wrote:
> Qmail was installed on a /var partition that turned out to be too small, so 
> I added a new 36 gig disk, made the old /var something else, and copied 
> everything with cp -R.  Brought the system back up with the new 36 gig /var 
> partition, and qmail is only partially running.  It does listen on port 25 
> and receive mail, but it doesn't seem to move messages past "preprocessed" 
> or deliver them.  Qstat looks like below, the 12 messages being my tests 
> after the new /var partition.

You can't move the queue around like that. You should fix your queue with the
queue-fix script, which you can find somewhere on www.qmail.org. You'll
probably also have to fix the permissions on your trigger. See


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