Hi All,

Newbie alert: if you're busy, don't read.

I'm hoping you can point out where I went wrong here...

I started with a Suse6.3 machine.
I removed the sendmail.rpm.
I followed the life-with-qmail directions to install a Mailbox+df version of 
qmail, almost to the letter, with two exceptions:  
1) The two times it said to start 'qmail' with '/usr/local/sbin/qmail' I 
started it with '/usr/bin/qmail'.
2) I have a list of domains that resolve to my local machine that I wanted to 
receive mail for, so I put them in both locals and rcpthosts.

So, then I tried to send local email:
mail kcorey

The errors I get in the log are:
The 'kcorey' mailbox doesn't exist, so qmail tries to bounce this to 
The 'postmaster' mailbox doesn't exist, so it bounces to 'root'.
The 'root' mailbox doesn't exist, so it gives up as a triple-bounce 

Both the 'kcorey' and 'root' accounts exist in /etc/passwd, and I made the 
symlinks back to /var/spool/mail. (Postmaster doesn't exist, so I'd expect an 
error of some kind there.)

Why does qmail think those two mailboxes do not exist? (Note: I get this 
error with /var/spool/mail chmodded to 1777, and with or without the symlinks 
being there for the mail files in /var/spool/mail.

The FAQ doesn't seem to answer this specifically, and when I looked through 
the archives, all I saw were replies about upper case or dotted usernames.

Ideas anyone?

Ken Corey, CTO    Atomic Interactive, Ltd.

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