Hello all:

First, please let me know if I have not included enough information or
am posting inappropriately. I belive I have followed the install
instructions in each package and have researched thisproblem, but I just
don't know enough about these packages to figure it out.

I am running Qmail 1.03 using a RedHat 6.2 system. I have 2 virtual
domains setup through the VPopMail add-on from Inter7, the server
accepts new email for my recipitents and outgoing SMTP works.

I then compiled Courier-Imap, it is using the default AUTHMODULES. It
starts both the POP and IMAP server from my Qmail script perfectly, I
don't see any errors (but perhaps I am not looking in the right place).
What is the best way to go about figuring out where my problem is? I
have checked the logs, the most helpful thing I could find is from the
maillog which shows:

Mar  2 01:53:46 eunomia imaplogin: Connection,
Mar  2 01:53:53 eunomia imaplogin: LOGIN FAILED,
Mar  2 01:54:01 eunomia imaplogin: LOGIN FAILED,
Mar  2 01:54:01 eunomia imaplogin: LOGOUT, ip=[::ffff:]

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, if you need any more info
or details, let me know.

Matt Simonsen

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