
qmail compiled like a charm and everything looked fine...until
i came to the first test: local-2-local delivery.

The TEST.deliver says the mail should appear instantly in my
~user/Mailbox file.

echo to: skyper | /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject

...it took the mail 10+mins until it appeared in my Mailbox :>

I started debugging and found that /var/qmail/queue/lock/trigger was:
prw-------    1 qmails   qmail           0 Mar  2 15:36 trigger
and qmail-queue
-rws--x--x    1 qmailq   qmail         12k Mar  2 10:45 qmail-queue

well...this is not good. qmail-queue can never trigger qmail-send
to start delivering.
A strace confirmed the curiosity.
qmail-queue failed to open the trigger :/

I set ownership and permissioins to:

prw-r-----    1 qmailq   qmail           0 Mar  2 15:51 trigger

is this a known bug ? Any security problems with my modifications ?
(i dont see any....)

PGP: dig @segfault.net skyper axfr|grep TX|cut -f2 -d\"|sort|cut -f2 -d\;

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