
QMail is now working fine here for some months for local delivery and remote
delivery. Just recently I wanted to take the last hurdle to manage the
incoming mail transport from my external domain/mailhost(QMail) to our local
mailserver (QMail).

I chose Fetchmail seeming to be the reasonable transport for our
non-permanent internet connection.

In my understanding "alias@localhost" looked reasonable. Since the fetchmail
had not yet a "set postmaster" and "localhost" was no virtualdomain, all the
mail was rebounced to all the senders. This was no fun.

Anyway, fetchmail's use of "localhost" is not consistant in my opinion since
no one mails to localhost. I would like to change this to my domain, but
that's not so important for now.

The important problem is, that mail from a single POP3 account should be
routed to different users. The use of "To:" is broken, happily my external
mailhost runs QMail. Three possibilities to intercept:

(1) Fetchmail could parse the envelope "Delivered-To:" in order to supply
    qmail-inject with the appropriate target mail user.
(2) qmail-inject parsing the Delivered-To to recover the original addressee.
(3) using the .qmail hack to resend the mail to the correct user.

All the tries as of (1) and (3) end up sending the mails to our local
postmaster. I did try qvirtual, envelope (as of 1), environment variables
(as of 3), usernames (direct, $USER, %T) Using mda instead of SMTP injection
did work the same way. It always ignores the delivered-to and uses a static

At the moment I am very tempted to modify qmail-inject or new-inject to
perform actions as of (2), if using a new option switch argument. But maybe
someone one this list might have an idea, before.

Martin Schueler.

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