At 10:11 AM 3/6/2001, M. Yu wrote:
try using group quotas. put all the people that you want to limit in one
group and then set that groups quota to 4 megs or so...
>I've been thinking about this for quite a while now. I still can't come up
>with a solution so maybe someone here can help.
>Short version: we're looking for a way to make several e-mail addresses
>share the same mailbox.
>Long version: some of our clients want to have additional e-mail addresses
>(we give 1 client 1 e-mail address with a 4MB mailbox; some want as many as
>10 addresses). We want to be able to give out more addresses (they don't
>cost us anything anyway) but want to limit the mailbox size to 4MB, no
>matter which e-mail address consumes more of the mailbox.
>This is basically a quota problem. Can anyone suggest a solution?
>M. Yu