> At 10:07 AM 06-03-2001 -0000, John Conover wrote:
> >As a matter of policy, is it reasonable to reject messages that fail a
> >reverse DNS lookup on HELO's FQDN/authentication?
> Well two of our service providers haven't arranged reverse DNS lookups for
> our Internet visible subnets. Our DNS servers are ready, but they either
> don't want to do it or don't know how to do it. So you can't look up names
> from our IPs. And it's been more than a year already.
> So I'm biased and I'd say it's not reasonable ;).
> Why would you want to do that anyway?

Spam prevention.  Have had the same problem myself.  It is indeed sad that
we have to jump through these hoops because a few folks insisting on
emailing everyone about their inkjet refills or lower mortgage rates
necessitate this.
> Cheerio,
> Link.

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