The Afif <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello Miliser,
>   I have problem with my qmail, I have been intall qmail and good
>   work, when I try to send email to local (localhost and virtual
>   domain) its goods work, but when I try to send email to another host
>   I have message
>   "Message has not been sent, server reply - sorry, that domain isn't
>   in my list of allowed rcpthost(#5.7.1)"
>   any one could help me pls..

You are not sending (via qmail-inject).  You are relaying (sending via
smtp to your own server, which will then send to the destination
server).  You have sensibly chosen to block relaying in general; since
you apparently need it from some local systems, you must now implement
selective relaying, which is explained extensively in the FAQ and Life
With Qmail.
David Dyer-Bennet      /      Welcome to the future!      /      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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