Peter van Dijk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Sat, Mar 10, 2001 at 01:12:13PM -0500, John R Levine wrote:
> > The usual mailbox vs. maildir war has flared up on inet-access, and points
> > out a bug in qmail-pop3d.  When you do a LIST command, it gives you the
> > size of each message.  Pop3d just reports the file sizes, while it's clear
> > from the RFC that it's supposed to report the wire size of each message,
> > i.e., the size using cr/lf as a line terminator, so the sizes it reports
> > are too small.
[ ... ]
> Yes. This behaviour is known. Fixing it, however, involves a *huge*
> performance downgrade of qmail-pop3d.

A solution I have considered is storing the messages in wire format.
Especially for POP/IMAP-only clients, seems like it could be a
medium-sized performance win, since the line-conversion is done only
once, regardless of how many times the message is downloaded.  If the
message were kept in wire-format from SMTP through delivery, no line
conversion would be required at either end, and a larger performance
gain would be possible.

Has anybody tried this, or anything like it?


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