
I read the archive and the INSTALL.mbox file
and can't convince Pine opening my localy
delivered mails.
I assume that the delivery will work:

@400000003aad24ea1bd07db4 info msg 224657: bytes 204 from
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> qp 10101 uid 0
@400000003aad24ea1c292cd4 starting delivery 1: msg 224657 to local
@400000003aad24ea1c297edc status: local 1/10 remote 0/20

I put ./Mailbox in my defaultdelivery and in pine the inbox-path=Mailbox,
how it is assumed in INSTALL.mbox. I made the symbolic link from
/var/spool/mail/tom to /$HOME/Mailbox and /var/spool/mail is 1777.
What Am I missing? Assuming that the pine patch is only necessary
if I wanna use Maildir.

Thanks Tom

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