On Wed, Mar 14, 2001 at 08:48:55AM -0600, Bill Luckett wrote:
> I'm using qmail 1.03. I've got a bunch of messages in the queue that I want
> to remove. I wrote a program that will touch the
> /var/qmail/queue/mess/<number>/<messagenumber> file for a message of a
> given subject to a date well in the past (01/01/1985) hoping that the next
> time the message was retried it would bounce and be removed automaitcally
> from the queue. Queueliftime is 432000--5 days, right?
> Well, after 15 hours they're still there. The dates on the files did
> change; I checked that.
> 1. How often are they retried?
> 2. Can I verify that they're being retried?
> 3. Can I force a retry?
> 4. Any ideas on why they're still there? Am I touching the wrong files?

Touch /var/qmail/queue/info/<number>/<messagenumber> instead.


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